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Kupita Everlast

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12th of deez

Kupita Cheat Sheet

by Kupita Everlast

1. Where were they born?
New Windsborough
2. Who are their parents?
Orphan, raised by an orc named Ngumi Everlast
3. Are they Alive / What happened to them.
Deceased, died at home of an illness. Last words to Kupita was "Come see me when you punch your way out of this box."
4. Describe your childhood home.
Two bedroom cottage not too far from the docks of New Windsborough, living room had a fireplace with belts and trophies all around it from Ngumi's boxing career. Kupita's room was comprised of a table, a coffer and
hammock. Behind the house is a crudely put together "boxing gym" and a shack used for meat preservation.
5. What was your character doing before they joined the party / Project Paragon?
Kupita attended Mansueta Kyra under the school of Witherbloom. Worked in the athletics department when not in class. Being hunted by anti magic insects and potentially unsealed a god? Found a magical spear but
cannot remember where it went, mind draws a blank. After graduating Kupita began training with the former boxing champion that was his father, Ngumi "He did that" Everlast. Ngumi's signature style was the peek-
a-boo style. Kupita's final test was punch his way out of a iron coffin. "Come see me when you punch your way out of this box." was the last thing he heard his father say to him directly. This iron box was going to
become Kupita's home for the coming year. When he would sleep he would astral project from the iron coffin in the sea to check in on his dad, eventually Ngumi fell ill and was bed ridden. As Kupita watched his health slowly decline there would sometimes be another presence there in the room with him, it wasn't something that felt threatening- it was suprisingly warm and comforting. On Ngumi's final day his astral self rose from his body and left with this being and passed away in his bed. His body slowly grew
thin and pale, it looked like someone squeezing a IV bag and draining it of its contents. Upon freeing himself Kupita went to deal with his father's remains. Ngumi was burried behind the house near the gym. He was approached by a lady from the Quicksilver Foundation shortly after the burial.

6. Why did they leave it?
There was nothing left, he was alone with no real purpose.

7. What and who did they leave behind?
The home he was raised in.
8. If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change?
He would not have gotten in that fucking box, yeah he got some iron fists but maybe his dad would still be here.

9. What is something that makes them feel a strong positive emotion?
Coming in first place, accomplishing the mission, praying to Sa'hane, being the biggest baddest motherfucker in the room.
10. What is something that makes them feel a strong negative emotion?
Confinement, losing, failing the mission, losing mentor / father figure, the idea that he will out live a lot of his colleagues.

11. What is an emotional thing they are good at?
Sticking to their guns, directing rage towards his opponent, being the calmest person in the room at all times.

12. What is a physical thing they are good at?
Punching, working out in confined spaces, long jump, hanging by his finger tips

13. What do you often dream of?
Father's death, being visited by the same spirit that visited my father in his death, punching iron, random encounters with others in the dream plane

14. What do you like most about yourself?
Being the hardest motherfucker on the plane, unbreakable will, his fist, his physique.

15. What do you like least about yourself?
Feeling lonely despite being around people, not being able to give up control of a situation when he knows he should, not feeling big enough.

16. Where do you feel safe?
The High City, QSF Barracks, Dreaming

17. List 1 Major Goal for your character.
Finding out what the spirit was that visited his Father on his death bed. (Finding out why he loses the connection to the spirit later and freeing it)

18. List 2 Big goals for your character.
Becoming the current standing champion in the gladiator arena in the High City
Discovering the real cause of his father's death

19. List 2 small goals for your character.
Get better at the lute and eventually play a show, potentially with some "friends"
Work on punching through harder materials

The major events and journals in Kupita's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kupita.

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Other Characters by The_BossSauce