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8 / 8 HP

17th of Rise, 356th Year

Campaign & Party

Sat 6th Feb 2021 06:10


by Ignus

6 Questions:

1.Where was the Character Born?

Ignus is a Kusca native, he spent 5 years in Kusca and 27 years in Talonmere. He is currently 32 years old.

2.Who are their parents?

Mother is Smolder, fire genasi that was captured outside her home near Uxfjord by mercenaries from Houxshire. Father is Whisk, air genasi native to Kusca and ran a black smithy. Father figure is Nikola Erde of Talonmere, Grandsmith and Artificer that raised him. Ignus learned how to speak dwarven and sylvan from Nikola to use in crafting magical items.

2a.Are the parents/family still alive?

Biological parents are dead, there are no other known relatives.
3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life?

Became the apprentice of Nikola Erde of Talonmere, mostly consisted of fetching water and making sure the flames were at the right temperature. Eventually grew up to take over the store front but struggled with the anxiety of dealing with random people. Ignus got well acquainted with books about the arcane and magics of the world when he was not working. At night he would sneak out as Nikola powered down for the night, Ignus would test his creations on the wild life and any lingering Bengrex soldiers after the war ended. His favorite thing to do was to slit their throats and cover their ears with his palms as he pumped fire into their skulls.
4.Why did your character leave their previous life?

Ignus is seeking revenge for his parents. He has no leads left in the Eastern Continent due to the war being over for 20+ years now. He seeks to learn of the Man With Green Eyes's whereabouts and to take his life with the same amount of cruelty he showed me. Until the day comes where he meets this man he will be improving his craft of being an arms dealer and the practice of creating weapons.
5.What did your character leave behind?

Ignus leaves behind the workshop he grew up in and the residents of Talonmere.

6.What does your character want? (motivations)

He seeks to hunt the man who killed his parents and to sell his creations around the world, the deadlier the better. If people are willing he will share the art of smelting with their hands.

The major events and journals in Ignus's history, from the beginning to today.


6 Questions: 1.Where was the Character Born? Ignus is a Kusca native, he spent 5 years in Kusca and 27 years in Talonmere. He is currently 32 years old. 2.Who are their parents? Mother is Smolder, fire genasi that was captured outside her ...

06:10 am - 06.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ignus.

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Other Characters by The_BossSauce