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Journeyer Quince Rachel Rosemary Taylor-Quinceby-Smith

I’m a native of Kingsport, my family being steeped in tradition here, but any family money got spent a while ago. The Taylor-Quinceby-Smiths are amazing at woodwork - not building houses, but fine fancy furniture and carvings. So, woodworking was my destiny. But as the third child, I wasn’t thrown in the workshop until I was 8. I became the disgrace of my family when it was discovered I was asthmatic and couldn’t tolerate sawdust!   However, I could fetch and carry and when there wasn’t any chores I was sent to school to stop me annoying my older brothers. At school, some of the students came from families of artificers. I fell in love with all the tiny gears and intricate tools…no wood dust in sight. A teacher helped me find someone who could take on a artificer apprentice - after I had fixed a failed catapult that another student had brought to school.   My master was Jacob Krondor. He had been the Head of the Guild in his younger days but his eyes had failed. He was a perfectionist and could feel, smell and hear every mistake I made. He was patient and exacting and I miss him terribly. Jacob always wanted to explore the world, and I want to explore it for him.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Quince's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Quince.

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