
Windmere is a bustling coastal walled city, built on the delta of the Wykato River. A centuries-old sea wall has created a safe harbour for the bustling quays. The city is filled with a variety of architectural styles, reflecting the different cultures and influences that have shaped it over the years. There are grand stone buildings with intricate carvings and archways, as well as brightly painted wooden houses and shops. The streets are narrow and winding, with hidden alleyways and secret courtyards tucked away behind the buildings.   The city is focused on several focal points. The movement of goods from the docks on the Wykato River to the North Quay creates a large transportation hub in the north of the city. The Temple of the Church of Luminar and the merchant ward called the Finger occupy a large island in the city's centre. Windmere Keep occupies a significant portion of the waterfront behind the sea wall. And the Acadamy of Wykato dominates the city from on top of a significant plateau in the city's south, with the Narrows surrounding it. The river's narrow canals are used by mills, tanners and for transportation throughout the city.   At night, the city takes on a different kind of beauty. The buildings are lit by lanterns and new Evevrlight from Kingsport , casting a warm glow over the streets and canals. Musicians play in the squares, while couples dance and children play. The sound of laughter and conversation fills the air, making the city feel alive and vibrant.   Overall, the harbor city of Windimere would be a bustling and vibrant place, filled with unique architecture, colorful characters, and a rich history.   The city is filled with a variety of architectural styles, reflecting the different cultures and influences that have shaped it over the years. There are grand stone buildings with intricate carvings and archways, as well as brightly painted wooden houses and shops. The streets are narrow and winding, with hidden alleyways and secret courtyards tucked away behind the buildings.   Markets are dotted all over the city, with merchants selling goods from all over the world. Spices, silks, and exotic fruits are piled high on wooden carts, while jewellers and blacksmiths display their wares in brightly lit storefronts. The air is thick with the sounds of haggling and bartering, as well as the smells of cooking food from nearby street vendors.


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