Luko Carnan | World Anvil

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Luko Carnan

Luko is searching for his daughter, who was kidnapped by a group of people he used to work with.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Luko's history, from the beginning to today.

The Wolf has been acting weird these past couple of days.

11:14 pm - 16.01.2023

The Wolf knew a whole lot about dragons earlier, but didnt know what a vegan was. I dont know whether to be proud or confused.

02:46 am - 19.12.2022

Beginning to question why we let Niko, of all people, get a sword.

02:29 pm - 17.12.2022

I should have focused on saving my daughter, if I'm being honest

02:23 pm - 17.12.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Luko.

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Other Characters by SanguisDraconis