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Nathrax Drakon

Campaign & Party

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Tue 18th Oct 2022 06:40

Back Story

by Nathrax Drakon

I grew up happy and well taken care of, that all changed 15 years ago.
I was raised a hard working, loyal, and strong emotionally and physically. I loved my parents, I grew up with a strong father who knew I was going to have to fend for myself when I turned 16 and became an adult. My mother always taught me that loyalty can be the best tool a person can have she also taught me to always pay attention, I may not be the brightest in the room but I will always investigate the person and the place I am in because of her.
Everyday my dad and mom would teach me skills that I can use now and use as I get older, I would play sports, I would jump, lift heavy objects, I would even be trained to get inside peoples heads.
A day before my 16th birthday, the day I would turn into "a man" as my dad always said. My parents and I went out to the forest for one last training and encouragement before I would start to go out and hunt for myself and really be the dragonborn I was meant to be. That night was different, I heard a noise as I was up late excited to start my journey. I heard a wood elf rummaging through some soup my mother had made earlier for dinner, I thought to myself "what a perfect time to tryout my years of practice and training" I wanted to get rid of this pest that was stealing from us. I grab my great axe and start running after this elf when all of a sudden he trips and I run right up to him, I raise my axe above my head ready to take his head off. All of a sudden we hear loud howls in the air, I looked up and see three wolves. This was a sign if I ever saw one that I couldn't hurt someone so helpless and obviously hungry. I extended my hand out and offered to help because my parents taught me that there is no place on this earth for hurting anyone that may have lesser than I.
Without words we knew what we had to do, it was almost instinctual for he and I to work together as one. I will say it may not have been the prettiest battle but battle it was and we took care of business. One wolf around his shoulder me carrying two, we walked back to the camp because we needed to get some rest and eat some. I knew in me that I couldn't tell my parents what had happened with the soup so I gave my parents the details of the battle Rolan and I just went through. They were so happy that they invited Rolan to stay with us, the kinship I felt through battle, I knew that was the right decision.
My parents were so happy that I had not just made a new friend but a new brother that Rolan was able to stay with us from now on.
One year passed and it was so great to have Rolan around and my parents around that we were just one happy family. All of that came to an end.
One day we started seeing and hearing smaller blasts all around us, getting bigger and bigger. All of us so scared, my parents put Rolan and I in a food cellar in our basement. There was not enough room for all of us but they assured us they will find a place to hide and they will come back for us. Almost immediately after they closed that door to the cellar one more blast comes and it was bigger and far far worse. We waited for it seemed like hours for my parents to come back and we came out to search, nothing, nothing around us, nothing was recognizable. We assumed the worst.
Rolan and I both knew at that point we need to rely on each other, and we did. For 15 years now we worked together to survive anything that we can do whether that be to steal, lie, cheat, con, and even worse at times to survive. 15 years have passed and we both have never been the same since that day except that we have each other. Brothers.

The major events and journals in Nathrax's history, from the beginning to today.

The session

02:36 am - 10.11.2022

Exploring Emberwood

12:28 am - 07.11.2022

Exploring Emberwood

01:08 am - 03.11.2022

Emberwood Village

07:31 am - 29.10.2022

Emberwood Village

12:42 am - 27.10.2022

Back Story

I grew up happy and well taken care of, that all changed 15 years ago. I was raised a hard working, loyal, and strong emotionally and physically. I loved my parents, I grew up with a strong father who knew I was going to have to fend for myself when I ...

06:33 pm - 18.10.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nathrax.

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