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Rolan Berevan

Campaign & Party

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Mon 17th Oct 2022 11:03

Rolan Backstory

by Rolan Berevan

My parents died when I was 4, murdered while walking through the forest.. I still hear echoes of them yelling at me to run as they were slaughtered.. I ran as fast as I could through the forest not looking back until I couldn’t run anymore. To this day I still wonder who did it and why?
I wandered the forest at the age of 4 until 6 surviving on only what I could forage but I learned how to survive. At age 6 I was found by a monk and brought to their monastery where I was trained until the age of 15 in combat and stealth. When I again experienced a harsh reality, I was out in the forest training when I heard screams. I ran back only to see that everything was on fire and destroyed. Once again I found myself alone and the only survivor.
A few months later as I was walking through the forest I noticed some smoke fading from a fire a little ways away, I decided to have a look and as I approached I noticed 2 dragonborns laying asleep at their campsite. They did not finish all their food. A pot lay open near the site.. how lucky am I, I thought. I very carefully sneaked into their campsite, grabbed the pot.. turned around and to my shock a dragonborn was staring me straight into the eyes.
I bolted off as fast as I could, chased by this dragonborn until I tripped across a branch falling to my face soup going everywhere.. I turned around and looked up and an axe was high over this dragonborns head ready to take a swing. I must have been lucky for the second time as a loud howl echoed in the background, I looked behind only to notice 3 wolves had surrounded us.
At that moment I saw a hand extend to me instead of an axe helping me up. This dragonborn then looked at me and without words gave a grunt and a sharp nod which I took to mean let’s deal with these wolves.
Needless to say it wasn’t pretty, we managed to fend them off took some damage but more importantly in doing so we had found ourselves on the same side. 1 wolf over my shoulders and 2 over what I later found out to be Narthrax we wandered back to his camp where his parents were awake, Narthrax had not disclosed that I had stolen from their camp but instead only that I helped deal with these wolves.
I then decided to stick around, the parents were so grateful they offered a place to stay and food to eat. 1 year passed by which I later found to be my happiest year since my parents passed at 4. Only then to run into another catastrophe, what we later found to be a meteor from the sky had started with a few smaller blasts all around us, Narthrax’s parents had told us to go into the cellar below but there was not room for 3 dragonborns and a wood elf.. so just myself and Narthrax were in there. They said they would find another spot to get below ground, it’s at that point we heard an earth shattering loud noise, everything shook. After the blast subsided, we went out only to find massive destruction. Narthrax’s parents were nowhere to be found, we assumed the worst.
Ever since that day 15 years ago Narthrax and I have been together, doing what we must to survive. If that means playing a few cons or stealing a few coin then so be it. It's now survival or die. We tend to live by our own code.

The major events and journals in Rolan's history, from the beginning to today.

The session

02:36 am - 10.11.2022

Exploring Emberwood

12:28 am - 07.11.2022

Exploring Emberwood

01:08 am - 03.11.2022

Emberwood Village

07:31 am - 29.10.2022

Emberwood Village

12:42 am - 27.10.2022

Rolan Backstory

My parents died when I was 4, murdered while walking through the forest.. I still hear echoes of them yelling at me to run as they were slaughtered.. I ran as fast as I could through the forest not looking back until I couldn’t run anymore. To this day ...

11:03 pm - 17.10.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rolan.

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