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Lord Pallen Highguard

Pallen is a legend in the kingdom of Vithyr. Born a commoner, he claimed to have witnessed a miracle of Vith at a young age and was taken into the priesthood before his apprentice day. Within three years he was fighting with holy orders to defend the interests of the church.   After acting as a squire for several years, Pallen was elevated to clergy. As a priest of Vith he continued to crusade, putting down the Nothern Frontier Farm rebelllion, as well as fighting in several bloody skirmishes with the Coalition of Free Cities.   It was after these skirmishes that Pallen was promoted to High Inquisitor in Vithyr - a title he still holds.   When Pallen fights he does so with a sword in one hand and a morning star in the other. It is said he was trained by mercenaries who came to Vithyr on ships from the Northlands but the Church has declared this a falsehood and will imprison anyone who repeats this slander.   Pallen did not request this assignment. Instead he was sent here by the nobles in Vithyr after some unfortunate social-political incidents with his eldest daughter. He does not want to be here but fully intends to ensure that these negotiations are successful.

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