Tyf Lós | World Anvil

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Tyf Lós

Früher war Tyf ein blinder Mensch, wurde jedoch als Minotaur wiedergeboren. Er hat einen Hund namens Matia, der ihm stehts zur Seite steht. Zusammen mit M.T.O.A.S.T. reist er nun zu seiner Heimat.

The major events and journals in Tyf's history, from the beginning to today.

"The Journey to the West" Session 10

10:52 pm - 22.04.2022

"The Journey to the West" Session 10

10:52 pm - 22.04.2022

"The Journey to the West" Session 4

11:39 pm - 03.03.2022

"The Journey to the West" Session 4

11:39 pm - 03.03.2022

"The Journey to the West" Session 3

01:01 am - 28.11.2021

"The Journey to the West" Session 3

01:01 am - 28.11.2021

"The Journey to the West" One-Shot 1

11:17 pm - 20.11.2021

"The Journey to the West" One-Shot 1

11:17 pm - 20.11.2021

"The Journey to the West" Session 2

04:12 pm - 15.11.2021

"The Journey to the West" Session 2

04:12 pm - 15.11.2021

"The Journey to the West" Session 1

11:28 am - 10.10.2021

"The Journey to the West" Session 1

11:28 am - 10.10.2021

"Pride in Paradise" One-Shot 1

10:44 am - 12.09.2021

"Pride in Paradise" One-Shot 1

10:44 am - 12.09.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 9

11:45 pm - 21.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 9

11:45 pm - 21.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 8

09:39 pm - 19.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 8

09:39 pm - 19.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 7

08:31 pm - 07.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 7

08:31 pm - 07.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 6

02:29 pm - 02.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 6

02:29 pm - 02.08.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 5

08:32 pm - 30.07.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 5

08:32 pm - 30.07.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 4

09:22 pm - 17.07.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 4

09:22 pm - 17.07.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 3

02:29 pm - 06.07.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 3

02:29 pm - 06.07.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 2

11:00 pm - 26.06.2021

"Pride in Paradise" Session 2

11:00 pm - 26.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tyf.

Played by

Other Characters by Angenakoi