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Annie A

Pretty, shy, and always wary of new people. A bit of an emo chick who likes dark clothing, dark eye makeup, drama, and knives. Wears a black hooded cardigan, usually has her hood up in public spaces. Has a ghostly aura.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Cloudera

Euthen Annie Varuna Mulush Houdini
Run by isuwhitedwarf
Mon 16th Oct 2023 05:35

Further Details

by Annie A

Anima has a strange energy about her. If one were to look deeper into it they may even get a faint undead presence from or around her. She is sometimes cold to the touch, depending on her emotion or how much her other self feels the need to be present and protect her. Generally she looks completely normal, besides intensely bright gray-blue eyes. However, in times of stress strange things can happen.
The most obvious is when she’s in direct danger of being seriously injured. Usually there is what can only be described as a full spectral overlap, where it looks like her other self enwreathes her, a ghostly copy of herself barely overlapping with her. Her eyes glow fiercely, staring directly into the soul of whoever is in her gaze. And a faint bit of fog seems to fall off of her like she's emitting it from her entire body. This is usually during a time of fight for flight and most of the time ends up with her attempting to flee the area and hide as fast as she can. On the occasion that she needs to fight her other self will separate to block or deflect attacks against her, then will detach herself entirely to then enact any of Anima’s attacks or abilities but will always be there to help evade an incoming attack.
Other less common effects are during episodes of extreme emotion. When she is feeling anxious or panicked her skin gets pale and cold. During depressive episodes the air around her will be turned cold and will begin to emit the faintest bit of fog around her longer she's allowed to stew in her sadness. The more depressed she is the colder she gets and the more fog will appear. During her worst bout of depression when she was younger she nearly filled the entire floor of her room with fog. When she becomes furious her eyes will begin to glow and her hands will become cold and fill with fog as she prepares for the possibility of casting a spell.
Her magic manifests in different ways depending on the severity or type of power being used, the proximity to the Cloud Sea, her apathy towards hiding it, or even her emotional state. Most of the time it is very subtle or invisible, such as when she uses her minor telekinesis abilities, but the visibility of her spectral other can vary from just a floating hand all the way to a fully formed spectral copy of Anima. When the specter takes full form her visage is made of roiling translucent fog that faintly glows a light shade of blue. Her eyes glow the brightest and are usually locked onto the eyes of her target, wide and intense and never breaking gaze until she fades out of view. In contrast to how easily it is to hide her other self while using low level abilities it can be quite difficult to hide it when exerting energy on more powerful abilities. This gets easier over time but there will always be something that she has a hard time hiding. In mechanics terms, as she levels and gains new spells or abilities her previous abilities become that much easier to hide. But it's a scale and her highest level powers will most likely end with a full body apparition.

The major events and journals in Annie's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 15: Across the Sea

09:00 pm - 18.06.2024

Session 15: Across the Sea

11:35 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 14: Whispering Hollow

11:34 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 14: Whispering Hollow

11:37 pm - 14.05.2024

Session 13: A Favor for a Favor

03:43 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 13: A Favor for a Favor

03:43 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 12: Eekle

03:41 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 12: Eekle

03:41 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 11: Licking your Wounds

03:39 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 11: Licking your Wounds

03:39 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 10: Escape!

03:32 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 10: Escape!

03:32 pm - 20.03.2024

Session 9

02:10 pm - 21.02.2024

Session 9

12:40 am - 21.02.2024

Session 8 - Lost Shipwheel

01:10 pm - 14.02.2024

Session 8 - Lost Shipwheel

12:32 am - 14.02.2024

Session 7 - Snap, Crackle, and Pop

07:48 pm - 10.02.2024

Session 7 - Snap, Crackle, and Pop

12:36 am - 07.02.2024

Session 6 - Follow the Compass

07:21 pm - 25.01.2024

Session 6 - Follow the Compass

12:32 am - 24.01.2024

Session 6 - Follow the Compass

12:24 am - 24.01.2024

Session 5: Capturing Shadows

02:02 pm - 05.01.2024

Session 5: Capturing Shadows

12:18 am - 03.01.2024

Session 4: Foss Mine

03:23 pm - 22.12.2023

Session 4: Foss Mine

12:29 am - 20.12.2023

Session 3: Anna Stone

02:57 pm - 06.12.2023

Session 3: Anna Stone

12:58 am - 06.12.2023

Session 2 - Thugs, Nuns, and Pirates, Oh My!

01:43 pm - 25.10.2023

Session 2 - Thugs, Nuns, and Pirates, Oh My!

11:45 pm - 24.10.2023

Session 1: Maiden Voyage

11:27 am - 18.10.2023

Session 1: Maiden Voyage

11:26 am - 18.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Annie.