Cloudera Campaign

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Cloudera
| Looking for Players

Sessions Archive

28th May 2024

Session 15: Across the Sea

2nd Apr 2024

Session 14: Whispering Hollow

26th Mar 2024

Session 13: Ghashrukkar Clan

Read the Report
12th Mar 2024

Session 12: A Favor for a Favor

5th Mar 2024

Session 11: Licking your Wounds

27th Feb 2024

Session 10: Escape!

20th Feb 2024

Session 9 - Stoking the Flame

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13th Feb 2024

Session 8 - Lost Shipwheel

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6th Feb 2024

Session 7 - Snap, Crackle, and Pop

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23rd Jan 2024

Session 6 - Follow the Compass

After helping Anna stone restore the Ancient Compass to point to the lost shipwheel, the party returns to the Port of Skyfoss to seek out a captain to sail them. Where will the compass take them and what awaits them when they get there?

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2nd Jan 2024

Session 5: Capturing Shadows

The players find themselves on a narrow outcropping in the open center of Mount Foss. Surround by clouds, they anchor themselves to the outcropping with ropes and prepare to light the brazier which will attract the Shadow Lurker they were sent to capture.

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19th Dec 2023

Session 4: Foss Mine

After brining the ancient compass to Anna Stone atop Mount Foss, she bids the players to capture the essence of a Shadow Lurker which nest in the center of the mountain. The only way to get their is through the condemned Foss Mines where untold horrors await them.

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5th Dec 2023

Session 3: Anna Stone

After being set on by the ruthless Captain Esme The Flame of the Red Fleet who captured the passenger, Tera Twilight, they were paid to protect, our heroes are left with many questions and few answers. Who was Tera? Why was the infamous Red Fleet after her? What is so valuable about this compass Tera left for them? Who is Anna Stone? Can they get the compass to her before the Red Fleet discovers they were tricked?   Find out soon, in the Cloudera, Session 3.

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24th Oct 2023

Session 2 - Thugs, Nuns, and Pirates, Oh My!

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17th Oct 2023

Session 1: Maiden Voyage

Our story begins in the small, independent trading island of Skyfoss which is named after its most prominent feature, the giant cloud fall which constantly spills from the top of Mount Foss straight into the cloud sea. Skyfoss is a peaceful place which primarily trades in their abundant fish, huge wild caught Quefish, and the iron deposits found in Mount Foss. You find yourself in the Bent Hook Tavern, looking for work. A merchant captain is looking to hire a few additional crew, which is common in these parts, for a delivery and return voyage. You sign on to be part of the temporary crew, and our adventure begins.

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Euthen Rutaceae

Level .

Annie A


Mulush Empty Hand

Houdini Kovich

Level 3 Rogue.
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