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16th June 4019 AC

Exploring The Mysterious Consang Bay

by Yukio Katsue

During my travels across Zhanwu, I have heard from many people that strange creatures roam the shoreline and bordering tropical jungle at night and take anybody foolish enough to venture too close. I set off with Fukuro to see what the fuss was about.
Upon arriving at the beach around midnight, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, but a few hours after setting up camp I felt a shift in the atmosphere, almost as if I was being watched, no, stalked. I sent Fukuro into the sky to look around from above, but the thick jungle trees and foliage were too dense to see anything. After hearing low pitched growls and howls I grabbed my katana and kept myself on edge. Not long after, bright fiery eyes pierced through the bushes and I immediately took up a defensive position and waited for their first move. As I waited I had time to think about Kimon's proposal, and began wondering if this was one of his ploys to convert me to his cult.
The bushes and shrubs began to rustle l0udly and a feathery tail poked out of the bush, the creature slowly crept out and kept to the darkness where I could not make out its identity. Suddenly it leaped out in front of my campfire so I could get a closer look at it, and to my surprise, it was a Gryphon, but it wasn't really a Gryphon. Its fur and feathers had turned to a deep black and had a more hellish look than reported in the books, but the eyes were the strangest, it was almost as if it had been corrupted but still had some semblance of what it used to be, deep down. After examining the creature, I began to wonder how on earth it was even here because they went extinct thousands of years ago.
After a long standoff with the Gryphon, it was signaling that it wanted me to come closer and inspect it, I cautiously approached and as I did I noted a glowing spike sticking out the back of its neck. The Gryphon began trying to get at it but failing, it's almost like it was at war with its self, the Gryphon fighting the corruption but being overwhelmed. I managed to get close enough to inspect it and by no surprise, it was the kind of thing I've seen Kimon use on others to gain control over them. Fukuro silently flew above its head and managed to pull the spike out before it could react. Its fur and feathers began to shift back to normal colors and the hellish glowing eyes disappeared.

The major events and journals in Yukio's history, from the beginning to today.

Exploring The Mysterious Consang Bay

During my travels across Zhanwu, I have heard from many people that strange creatures roam the shoreline and bordering tropical jungle at night and take anybody foolish enough to venture too close. I set off with Fukuro to see what the fuss was about. ...

10:07 am - 11.02.2020

Katana at the ready

08:52 am - 20.10.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Yukio.