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Vanauth Darnruel

Lounging with his boots on the table of a dismal bar, the silver haired dark elf exudes a predatory confidence. The minimal light in the room is reflected in his unblinking eyes. You feel a phantom blade's edge at your throat even as he sits motionless.

Fri 4th Mar 2022 10:02

Absolute Rokkomuk

by Vanauth Darnruel

This entire week has been a complete bagrok sá. If it wasn't bad enough that I was cut off and cast out, some polca decided to take advantage and teleport me to this Lolth-forsaken island where I've had to relearn the entire social geography and now I've been run over roughshod by some backwater suni webmistress who had the unmitigated gall to force me into a blood oath. My vengeance will be throrough and it will be terrible, but due to the terms, I can't even voice my rage before I stage an "accident" for the officer I'm sworn to obey, least not without frying my brain.

Of course, I haven't seen hide nor hair of Officer Nirambra once the fighting started. Typical leadership. Struts around like a sunskin barking orders to make himself feel important, then slinks off to cover like the nyarro he is the moment the fighting starts. Instead, I've been playing wetnurse to Enderal Oussana, who plays at trying to footpad his way through the sewers, but at the first sign of the enemy bellows toward them like a struck quaggoth in what has to be the loudest chainmail ever forged by elves.

Witches? Dead. Drow warriors? Dead. Giant Snails? Dead. This whole situation has me completely mis au that I'm not being paid for this. I should be lounging in some dimly lit tavern with a glass of fine elven wine in my right hand and a soft elven tyetse in my left, not slinking through the muk and mis of some noble house I've never even heard of, carrying out an extermination these puntlehta "soldiers" couldn't manage if the whole lot of their targets lined up against a wall single file for them.

The major events and journals in Vanauth's history, from the beginning to today.

Absolute Rokkomuk

This entire week has been a complete [i]bagrok sá[/i]. If it wasn't bad enough that I was cut off and cast out, some [i]polca[/i] decided to take advantage and teleport me to this Lolth-forsaken island where I've had to relearn the entire social geograph...

10:02 pm - 04.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vanauth.