Vanauth Darnruel

Vanauth Darnruel

The Darnruel family is ascendant, but Vanauth is not a part of that rise. While the rest of the merchants continue to make a name for themselves in Menzoberranzan, the eldest spoiled son finds himself cut off from his trust and written out of the will. Forced to adapt quickly to his new status, Vanauth found a new application for his frighteningly agile body and mind in the circles even drow deem criminal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vanauth is lithe, bordering on slight. He never had to do any heavy lifting during his youth, and it shows.

Body Features

He has the long, slender fingers of a musician and a narrow frame.

Facial Features

Vanauth has vulpine features, close cropped silver hair that is meticulously cared for, and long pointed ears with multiple piercings.

Identifying Characteristics

When Vanauth is "working" he wears a skeletal bandana covering his mouth and nose.

Apparel & Accessories

Vanauth wears obsidian colored oiled leather armor cut in the dark elf style to mask his presence, and carries a rapier and a hornbow as he goes about his day.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After bringing shame on the house of Darnruel, Vanauth was cut off and forced to fend for himself. It may have been that the matriarch sought to teach him a lesson in humility, but the errant son instead found a new family among the crime bosses of the drow.

Gender Identity

Vanauth identifies as male.


Vanauth is bisexual.


Vanauth attended both Melee-Magthere and Sorcere in turn and was subsequently expelled from both schools. His martial and magical abilities were never in question, but he failed to demonstrate the appropriate humility befitting his station.


Vanauth now serves the crime lords of the Church of Vhaeraun, though he pays only lip service to the god, and not much at that.

Accomplishments & Achievements

None to speak of.

Failures & Embarrassments

Vanauth does not suffer shame, though he is considered an embarrassment in the house of Darnruel.

Mental Trauma

Vanauth has lived a comfortable life in his youth and his sudden exile from his house has left him resentful and vindictive towards the established family.

Intellectual Characteristics

The drow has exceptional mental acuity even for his kind, but fails to apply it to anything constructive, favoring short term gains instead.

Morality & Philosophy

Vanauth is exceptionally self-centered and hedonistic.

Personality Characteristics


Vanauth is motivated only by spite and self preservation. He has no long term goals to speak of, choosing only immediate gratification when it is presented before him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Vanauth routinely finds success where he shouldn't, relying overmuch on blind luck and a quick exit.

Likes & Dislikes

Vanauth is a connoisseur of fine wines and expensive delicacies.

Virtues & Personality perks

None to speak of.

Vices & Personality flaws

Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath


Vanauth starts each morning freshly bathed and oiled, but who knows where a day may take him. He has no qualms about getting his hands dirty.


Contacts & Relations

Matriarch Sh'aun Darnruel

Family Ties


Religious Views

Minimal reverence for Vhaeraun, drow god of thieves

Social Aptitude

Varnauth's selfish attitude, loose wallet, and hedonistic tendencies lose him friends as quickly as he gains them.


Vanauth is clearly educated and fancies himself as highborn even though he is middle class by drow standards and disinherited even from that.


Vanauth Darnruel


Towards Enderal Oussana


Enderal Oussana


Towards Vanauth Darnruel


Wealth & Financial state


Lounging with his boots on the table of a dismal bar, the silver haired dark elf exudes a predatory confidence. The minimal light in the room is reflected in his unblinking eyes. You feel a phantom blade's edge at your throat even as he sits motionless.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Midnight Blue
5' 11"
155 lbs.
Known Languages
Vanauth speaks Elvish, Undercommon, and Giant fluently. He is also familiar with Thieves' Cant.

Absolute Rokkomuk

This entire week has been a complete bagrok sá. If it wasn't bad enough that I was cut off and cast out, some polca decided to take advantage and teleport me to this Lolth-forsaken island where I've had to relearn the entire social geography and now I've been run over roughshod by some backwater suni webmistress who had the unmitigated gall to force me into a blood oath. My vengeance will be throrough and it will be terrible, but due to the terms, I can't even voice my rage before I stage an "accident" for the officer I'm sworn to obey, least not without frying my brain.
Of course, I haven't seen hide nor hair of Officer Nirambra once the fighting started. Typical leadership. Struts around like a sunskin barking orders to make himself feel important, then slinks off to cover like the nyarro he is the moment the fighting starts. Instead, I've been playing wetnurse to Enderal Oussana, who plays at trying to footpad his way through the sewers, but at the first sign of the enemy bellows toward them like a struck quaggoth in what has to be the loudest chainmail ever forged by elves.
Witches? Dead. Drow warriors? Dead. Giant Snails? Dead. This whole situation has me completely mis au that I'm not being paid for this. I should be lounging in some dimly lit tavern with a glass of fine elven wine in my right hand and a soft elven tyetse in my left, not slinking through the muk and mis of some noble house I've never even heard of, carrying out an extermination these puntlehta "soldiers" couldn't manage if the whole lot of their targets lined up against a wall single file for them.