Emily Danton

Emily is a 24 year old Female Human and a level 10 Cleric.

A priestess of Sharess. She was a Garweinian Baroness before being stripped of her title in 2048 when she went public with her faith. Emily fled the country and took refuge in Ithelia and became an adventurer. She co-founded the Swans in 2052.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Emily's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 15: A late night ride

10:18 pm - 31.12.2023

Session 14: Friendships and Benefits

10:17 pm - 31.12.2023

Session 14: Friendships and Benefits

08:54 pm - 24.12.2023

Session 13: Favors

02:39 am - 12.06.2023

Session 13: Favors

08:01 pm - 11.06.2023

Session 12: To Be a Binder

12:46 pm - 18.05.2023

Session 12: To Be a Binder

10:19 pm - 17.05.2023

Session 11: A Search for Answers

10:19 pm - 17.05.2023

Session 11: A Search for Answers

09:36 pm - 30.04.2023

Session 10: Dweomeria

02:09 am - 27.04.2023

Session 10: Dweomeria

09:32 pm - 26.04.2023

Session 9: La Forêt

01:50 pm - 26.04.2023

Session 9: La Forêt

09:45 pm - 24.04.2023

Session 8: La Chasse

12:47 am - 10.04.2023

Session 8: La Chasse

07:51 pm - 09.04.2023

Session 7: The Aftermath

04:14 am - 09.04.2023

Session 7: The Aftermath

08:38 pm - 02.04.2023

Session 6: L'odeur du désir

05:28 pm - 27.03.2023

Session 6: L'odeur du désir

09:52 pm - 26.03.2023

Session 5: Fish out of Water

10:12 pm - 20.03.2023

Session 5: Fish out of Water

07:04 pm - 19.03.2023

Session 4: New Challenges

11:51 pm - 12.03.2023

Session 4: New Challenges

07:58 pm - 11.03.2023

Session 3: The Thrill of Victory

01:52 am - 06.03.2023

Session 3: The Thrill of Victory

10:21 pm - 05.03.2023

Session 2: Blood and Battle

06:27 pm - 27.02.2023

Session 2: Blood and Battle

10:00 pm - 26.02.2023

Session 1: Charging Headlong

01:30 pm - 26.02.2023

Session 1: Charging Headlong

11:45 pm - 19.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Emily.