Goku The Bush | World Anvil

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Goku The Bush

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Wed 8th Mar 2023 06:01

Session 2: Repercussions

by Goku The Bush

We got paid bitches
Join a nice gym
Moving into the spare space above leon's café
Jonas from the farmer's market
his beetroots got up and walked away
1. beetreets back
2. can't steal his seeds
3. Bones in the body
Head to the farmers market and there are two medium size beetroots that are causing chaos and attacking people
The Beetroot Kings of Portland

Goku's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 1: The Middle
    24 Feb 2023 07:43:04
  2. Session 2: Repercussions
    08 Mar 2023 06:01:53

The major events and journals in Goku's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Goku.

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Other Characters by Gussimos