Session 1: The Middle by Goku | World Anvil

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Fri 24th Feb 2023 07:43

Session 1: The Middle

by Goku The Bush

The World changed a decade ago.
Bextram Enterprises, released magic to the world and charged royalties to large businesses.
Health insurance industry collapsed over night
Machinery is starting to decrease. cars are yet to be replicated.
Trump has been elected for the fourth time.
Google glasses have been resurrected and released so that they can see magic.
Apartment is next to a factory that is still operating, Smoke bleaching into the sky.
Cups and Coffees - Local coffee shop in the apartment complex
Leon - Coffee shop owner

  • Takes really good care of his plants

  • Laser Lizard Ilis - Scaley artist, super successful, Portland Local
    Jermanus Deski - Portland Police Department - Detective
    Serial killer on the loose, killed the last 6 hounds
    1750 up front
    half reward on turning information into the cops
    full reward on take down - 1250
    Killed 5 people, not including the hounds
    Using not Bextram official magic
    Crime scene two alleyways down from police department
    Human female corpse was thrown around, strong claw attacks that shredded leather and flesh
    Flecks of orcish blood
    Orcish man with a mangy dog in the alley over looking the crime scene
    was paid to watch the alleyway and not say anything and then was stabbed in the back
    wound is that of a massive claw
    Was turned into an orc as a result
    Assailant smelt like milk, squelchy sound, glowy weird magic
    Tony the (motherfucking) Tiger - The Cereal Killer
    Statue animated by glowing yellow magic, statue full of left over soggy cereal and milk
    Killing people for not being puritan and catholic enough - masturbating poor people are their weakness

    Continue reading...

    1. Session 1: The Middle
    2. Session 2: Repercussions