Cayden Shawcross | World Anvil

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Cayden Shawcross
The gun

Just a man doing his duty #yeehaw

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The major events and journals in Cayden's history, from the beginning to today.

Imagine, the bloodsucker was right under my nose. and the moment I try to do the world a favor, the fucking fanny squad is like "oehhh all life is life, don't hate her before she hasn't killed someone yet boehoeee." I swear these capital folk don't know anything about real monsters. #Fuckinghippies #monsterlifedoesn'tmatter

11:01 pm - 22.07.2022

So here I was going through werewolf-infested woods, meeting my new 'team' and one of the motherfuckers can't even see in the dark. Seems this ol cowboy has a long road ahead of him.

09:14 pm - 15.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cayden.

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Other Characters by Kolebrik