Lord Lucién Velisk | World Anvil

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Lord Lucién Velisk
The Phoenix

The most popular Velisk son #nojoke If you want to reach me first look at your own social standing and check yoself.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Sludge Cinematic Universe

Haarin Guy Yfirge'Finn Dust Silvio Lucién Elthé Ruyi
Run by questingbeast
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The major events and journals in Lucién's history, from the beginning to today.

Made my first big deal with the city of Snowcake, the Velisk trading company is now a big part of Snowcakes daily life. #Onanotherlevel #entrepreneur

09:39 pm - 23.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lucién.

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Other Characters by Kolebrik