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Bernithe Beathrithe

Her name has a lisp, but she doesnt speak with the lisp

Campaign & Party

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Fri 23rd Jun 2023 11:01

Lost a god damn bet....

by Bernithe Beathrithe

and here we are again!
meet 3 new people
Khudak'eten lizard folk
Britton: an elf
Brandon L: wizard
Bronze dragon took over our ship....
We are going as an envoy to the bear people by forge master Frain

  • we want to try to make friends with them.

  • birds in the sky flying to the forest.

  • Glogmealk doesnt see anything during his watch.

  • We kill a boar and a giant Tiger. Glogmeak got the killing blow and got to keep the skin... i didnt.
    so Bernithe is pissed.
    I make friends with a she bear whos nugget was killed by a wierd animal attack.
    conversation between bear and bipedal bear...
    she is negotiating on our behalf and we get to enter the facility.
    place looks like ewok village from star wars.
    we are led to a clearing in the middle to talk to bark leaf. Rufin (other brandon) can talk to the bear folk.
    She Bear: Called Pad
    Her dead baby: Toe
    no why, what are you doing, please stop. Pad voice
    Shes getting attacked by animals in the clearing. we decide to charge in and see whats going on even though i wanted to leave.
    we discover forest creature mushroom zombies... they probably attacked Pad and Toe yestersday.
    so mushrooms are bad.... they are laced with magic and its dissipating quickly. Rufin is not able to identify what type of magic cause its going away so quickly.
    we get to the main encampment with pad to discuss the situation.
    Pad translated again and the chief finds this concerning cause they are in his boundary.
    Chief: Upset we brought the mushroom fungi thing with us.
  • doesnt know about the mushrooms and hasnt heard of them.

  • bear folk being attacked by bird folk lately to get resources from them.

  • Trees dying ,water sources drying up (no specific location, happening everywhere)

  • We need to return to investigate together with the bear folk.
    BIG TREE: sacred to Bear folk and defend it.
    Zombie Weakness: FIRE/ICE
    glogmeak gets a scepter from the chief as a gift.
    BB Girl

    Bernithe's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. The journey to the Forest with a bunch of idiots
      20 Apr 2023 11:10:48
    2. Welcome to JackAss
      28 Apr 2023 11:01:19
    3. Shift 3 with the Imbeciles
      09 May 2023 11:01:49
    4. Lost a god damn bet....
      23 Jun 2023 11:01:44

    The major events and journals in Bernithe's history, from the beginning to today.

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bernithe.

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