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Shok Chazeh

Half chicken, half redtail birdman. Loves shiny things. Inner battle between regal hawk and stupid chicken. Short attention span. Pretty sure Mididatoco has new, extra shiny things, gotta check it out!

Campaign & Party

Played by
Sun 21st Jan 2024 11:27


by Shok Chazeh

Collin: Peetaw, Dave: Keathingle: Phil: Thornden, V: Pip
Use magical portal in obelisk to desert dimension, grab onto orb magic key thing. pillars around staircase into depths.
Gotta save test chicken in dungeon
Fight a couple skeletons find 3 urns in sarcophagus
Find 4 gold rings on throne near large sarcophagus
Kill big mummy, find 1 gem worth 50gp and sword in tomb, snakes on sword. No one stops me taking sword, which needs attunement
Skeleton horde comes and we quickly teleport back home using correct runes on rubics rune
Cornelius is stoked we came back, 100 total gp for mission, plus gem and shortsword
Attuned to sword: Sword of Vengeance which is cursed and now so am I. Unwilling to part with it and other rules. Bad sword, break curse in different ways

Shok's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session One 4/20/23
    20 Apr 2023 11:12:08
  2. 5/9/23
    09 May 2023 11:10:18
  3. 6/20/23
    20 Jun 2023 11:09:02
  4. 1/7/24
    07 Jan 2024 11:16:43
  5. 1/21/24
    21 Jan 2024 11:27:01

The major events and journals in Shok's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shok.

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