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The Dawn-warden, Eternal of Qotal, Suul Si'Vim

A warden of warmth reborn and master of his own radiant soul thanks to the patronage of Qotal. He walks the path of a demi-god through will, luck, and light.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Suul's history, from the beginning to today.

Delving deep into shadow, bringing the only light for eons, secrets will be rescued upon Raven's beak.

05:45 pm - 21.12.2020

Find the feather upon dawn where light and wind ascend to freedom. There you will loft above worlds and see the tyranny upon us. - Whispers of Qotal to Suul

05:34 pm - 17.11.2020

WTF is a Tiamat??

03:24 pm - 11.11.2020

The shattered god and storm lord have been returned to the prime plane. Acererak will soon fall as Malcer rises.

03:11 pm - 30.10.2020

Questing to revive the Daylight and bring new meaning to the name Dawn-warden

07:14 pm - 07.10.2020

Thinking of ways to end Acererak and their undead hordes from plaguing any more planes.

08:02 pm - 05.10.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Suul.

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