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Hello! My name is Staff, Servant of the Cyre and Servant to my friends! how can I be of service?

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The major events and journals in Staff's history, from the beginning to today.

Hello All! My name is Staff, Servant of the Cyre and Servant to my friends and I am new to the Realm Wide Web! I have tons to share with all of my Friends :D! First I met my oldest friend in sharn, Friend-philip, a Cleric who seems to be war torn with a positive out look. Hey! That's Just Like me! Then I met my New Friend-sage, a Changling with a fascination with shiny things. I'm Shiny! We will get along great :D! Next I met Friend- Roven, an elf tinkerer who offered to work on me! How kind! Then I met older Friend- Amir, who reminds me of a grandpa that slaughters chickens. I also met a Friend-Havnen who seems keen on murdering things and putting on animal costumes in combat. Very useful! I also met Friend-Leutrick, whom I made poop Gold! What a Jokester XD! We all went on a quest to save a kidnapped boy! It was mostly fun, except the time I smashed the little boys fingers...Yeah, that was not fun... I made up for it though when I broke a warlords kneecaps on a train! Thats when I made Friend-Leutrick poop Gold! I was so worried for my friend- Philip, but he is okay! Also Havnen bit enemy-Orogon in his loin cloth zone. Yikers! anyway, that was my last few days as a party of an investigator guild! I had so much fun :D! Hopefully, Me and my friends can find out what happened to our boss! OOOOOOooo Maybe my friends can find out what happened to my creator...I miss my creator... OOOOOOoooo and Friend-Philip has to find his friend ...OOOOoooo and Friend-Two needs a new face and arm! Good thing I have the Realm Wide Web to help me remember all of these things. Bye! :D Warmest Regards, Staff

07:55 pm - 06.08.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Staff.

Played by
Landon Hevalow

Other Characters by Landon Hevalow