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Campaign & Party

From the Sky

Rowyn Laskeva

Party of Four

Run by Warfrogs
Played by
Fri 27th May 2022 02:30

Session Two

by Laskeva

Scream came from Mari a ranger
Soaked in sweat, exhausted, smeared in blood
She said there’s monsters in the cave, on the way back from the mines. Her and the rangers fought them but need help/to rest. Her mother took her away
The monsters glowed purple (magic), grew in size
The cave of the new mine, to the North
She doesn’t think the other rangers made it
I followed Rowyn and Aka to investigate
Saravi’s tablet is in a language she can’t read
A beast and its 3 babies run out of the woods and we fight them
We absolutely demolish them
We sleep at Saravi’s house. Rowyn eats trash for breakfast
Qia and Bocah come get us in the morning. We go to Roci’s and Mari asks us to help with the cave situation
Plo comes over and wants to know if we can retake the mine. He needs it operational. He says he’ll reward us handsomely.
I acted weird and told him I didn’t want to make a deal with him on the spot (I was afraid he’d talk about nanites! And worried what Tareen would think)
We walk to the mine and camp on the way. Rowyn and I tell Mari about our mission to find the lost envoy and she says they might have died in the landslide
Saravi gives Rowyn the tablet
“Property of S.N. Uhdo tab #802, DNA not a match”
This was 100s years old. Used in escape pods and military shuttles. Meant to hold data for a long time. Can only be opened by a few people, encrypted by DNA
From when Udoyne first landed
Purple glow in the mountains
My identity opened the tablet. It has a location tracker that pointed toward the mountain where the purple glow/landslide was. It locks as soon as I give it back.
We decide to follow it after we go to the mines
Aka falls out of a tree onto the tablet. It unlocks.

Laskeva's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session One
    25 Apr 2022 02:06:23
  2. Session Two
    27 May 2022 02:30:35

The major events and journals in Laskeva's history, from the beginning to today.

Session Two

Scream came from Mari a ranger Soaked in sweat, exhausted, smeared in blood She said there’s monsters in the cave, on the way back from the mines. Her and the rangers fought them but need help/to rest. Her mother took her away The monsters glowed ...

02:30 am - 27.05.2022

Session One

Abandon search for envoy (surveyor), refocus to finding cave where there were slugs Suravi hid a stolen pad in the toilet. Went back during BBQ. Remember soldier 8675309 (who was lost in the cave). Noted his badge number, because he accosted Aka ...

02:05 am - 25.04.2022

Session 1: Cold, Dark, and Ancient

02:00 am - 25.04.2022

Session 1: Cold, Dark, and Ancient

10:07 pm - 24.04.2022

Session 0.5a: As above... (Laskeva and Rowyn)

03:39 pm - 22.04.2022

Session 0.5a: As above... (Laskeva and Rowyn)

12:00 am - 19.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Laskeva.

Played by