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Mon 25th Apr 2022 02:06

Session One

by Laskeva

Abandon search for envoy (surveyor), refocus to finding cave where there were slugs
Suravi hid a stolen pad in the toilet. Went back during BBQ.
Remember soldier 8675309 (who was lost in the cave). Noted his badge number, because he accosted Aka
I told Aka and Suravi about the simulators
Explore the cave. Encounter a squiggly wiggly 3 slugs, and 6 eggs. I GOT KILLED BY AN EGG. Rowyn healed me (with magic, but they didn’t notice). Suravi got killed by an egg too and I brought her back. She went down again, and Rowyn healed with magic. Aka noticed the magic.
Suravi is a big fan of me
Deep in the cave we found a mummified corpse with footprints by it. We don’t know anything about it. The last name on the corpse’s uniform was Pok. 320 years old (cheri told us)
***Asera coming from under the planet. We should find the surveyor to the North. Will find clues with him. If Asera finds us, what befalls Islanders will be worse than if we leave. If we leave, they’re all going to die… Tareen says it’s an acceptable sacrifice. I say I’m not sure.
Tareen says they’ve never lied to me. I don’t know if I believe that but failed insight.
Went to BBQ. Pol is trying to butter me up, and ridiculed Aka (called him Halfie). Scream at the edges of the part “HELP”

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  1. Session One
  2. Session Two