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24th of May, 764

Session 1

by Moon-Blessed Lilia

Dearest Ren,
The thing that most adventurers don't tell you, is that when you first leave home, it's exciting! Then, after a couple of days, it really sinks in that you aren't with your family anymore. I already miss you so much. I started off in a Soul Trader's so that I can get a bounty to make money. I have Wishes and Famros with me, so don't worry! I also teamed up with a half-orc named Kurigath, and a war-forged named Machina.
The bounty we took from the secretary, Sahala - had us get rid of a pack of Gnolls. Wishes found out the wine she was drinking had a stiletto in it, and I figured out that it wasn't wine, but vodka!! It burned soooo bad.
We ended up going to farms that had been attacked by the gnolls to get information. The first farm we went to was the home of John and Jane Smith. John said that the hyena that got away was really big and beat up. The strangest thing was that it had a glowing, runed dragon's tooth. Sahala was following us because she's suspicious of Kurigath. Saying that she's an imposter. Though Kurigath has amnesia like dad, so I don't really wanna throw her to the wolves yet.
The second farm was burned down. It seems like people are possibly turning into gnolls, but it doesn't look like Moon Plague or Lycanthropy. I have a bad feeling in my gut from that.
When we got to the camp, we tried making a plan, but realized we were wasting time. We tried enacting that plan and it backfired, so we ran in. It took a bit of a toll on us. I didn't like the sounds of people being eaten... Ah! Sorry, you probably don't wanna know about that either, huh? Well, thankfully we saved at least 3 people. It could've been worse. [Scribbled out].
The last thing is about that runed dragon's tooth. I touched it and I went blind. Thankfully only for an hour. Wishes and Famros comforted me.
Did I mention I miss you? Tell mom and dad that I miss them , too, but that I'm okay!! I can see, obviously!!
With all of my love,

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  1. Session 1
    24th of May, 764
  2. Session 2
    25th of May, 764