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Fri 6th Oct 2023 12:33

The time I rescued Sandara Quinn, Medicine Woman (and therefore rescued everyone she ends up rescuing)

by Martin d'Jorasco

Begin writing your story here...STILL IN THE FIGHT!
Barrigan found a catch-a-ride and finally made it to the fight.
Lackeys coming in! Led by more
Found sandy below deck in 1 of 8 cages. Room behind door forward of ship. Who locked her in there? Older lady with white hair. Martin got hurt trying to unlock cage with his horn.
With the lackeys cleared out, we got sandy out of the bilge and went up and found timothy! We also found an orc but he got squished by stalactite.
Barely made it back down to the boat as this shit is crumbling. No apparent other way out, need to turn the boat and get the f out.
Sandara creates wind to push the boat as soon as it’s righted to point out the cave, same time a huge stalactite falls into the office building and creates a HUGE splashwave that the ship rides out of the cave, almost hitting the rowboat that is barely yoinked out of the way and onto the ship by martin and crew.
INTERROGATION of the lackey number 4 (Mortimer “Mort” Scrivenshadow)
- Rumors
o People getting sick down south
o Ships being stopped
o Person secret super spy lead spy wing of big pharma. VP of espionage “M” is in town.
 She might have been on the ship that we spotted out on the horizon. (O___ V___)
• Was M the older woman with white hair that locked Sandy up??
- Island owned by big pharma – dist center of lahazar principalities, manufacturing of healing and distribution. They were bringing them in, then paperwork taken out to go back to home office.
- The other 48 potions are TurdPurge Tonics.
o Turdpurge Tonic: Introducing the Turdpurge Tonic, your ultimate relief from the Curse of the Unyielding Exhaustion! Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to renewed vitality! Our tonic tackles the root cause, allowing you to regain full hit points and enjoy uninterrupted nights of restful sleep. Bid farewell to unexpected restroom breaks during crucial moments and embrace confident composure in social encounters. With the Turdpurge Tonic, coughing fits and compromised stealth are a thing of the past. Reclaim your control and conquer every challenge with poise and grace. Don't let the Curse hold you back—seize the day with the Turdpurge Tonic! The potion that ensures an uninterrupted journey, granting the user respite from the pressing need to answer nature's call. Say goodbye to inconvenient pit stops and bathroom breaks, and embark on your adventures with peace of mind, free from the burden of bowels. Just a sip of this magical elixir, and you'll be well on your way to an uninterrupted and poop-free experience. Limited Quantities Available.
- Lackey has been inoculated for something “to keep him healthy against disease”
o Why are all the LiMu employees inoculated?

Continue reading...

  1. The time I rescued Sandara Quinn, Medicine Woman (and therefore rescued everyone she ends up rescuing)
  2. Copy of a Minotaur's Memoirs at sea (Original journal was left by Arty-soggy-britches in the dirty nyxes)
  3. Dear Arty (second message in a bottle)