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Sat 25th Feb 2023 04:50

The World Below

by Damselfly

It all happened so quickly. First, a bright light -- the sun in my eyes -- then a deep tearing. There's nothing that turns the stomach more than hearing a part of your own body tear like that.
And after that? Free fall. Open space. Everything I knew shrank into the distance until it was indistinguishable from the stars above, and then the Above was lost to me.
When the fall finally stopped, I was in a flurry of white. White...something. I stood on the alien landscape and looked out on the swathe of blank ground and matching flecks floating lazily downwards from the sky. Buildings rose around me, but not like the ones I knew. Strange, unconventional architecture. The firelight glowed in the windows all the same.
Virkhagen. I've made this alien world my home, for now. I tried to move into one of the available residences, but the large drafty corridors didn't suit me. I've made a proper burrow, borrowing from the styles of the buildings around me. I think it fits in just fine.
The only question is: how long until I can get back home?

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  1. The World Below
  2. A Strange Festival