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Mon 27th Feb 2023 10:42

A Strange Festival

by Damselfly

I think I made a pretty good "house," considering I've never seen one til now. It's tucked into a hill, like a burrow, but the artistry reflects Virkhagen far more than the place I called home. I finally got settled in.
So, of course, I scouted. I wanted to see what this world had to offer, so I crawled far and wide and eventually found a lively settlement. A festival, from what the people there told me. We had great fun together smashing windows with bricks and engaging in lots of other games and mingling.
I must admit I kept to myself for the most part. It was far easier to hide in bushes and eavesdrop than it was to explain my story to these strangers, although I did say hello to one or two of them.
We were all called to a meeting place to properly introduce the festival, if I interpret correctly, and the people there did just that. However. I'm going to reach as far as to say that this wasn't supposed to happen; another rushed to the podium and proclaimed grave news. The queen of Virkhagen had died.
I'm torn between wanting to mind my own business and the curiosity that pulls at me. Who killed the queen? Who had this queen been anyway? I would have very much liked to meet her had I known of her existence before her death.

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  1. The World Below
  2. A Strange Festival