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Sun 22nd Oct 2023 08:00

22nd Oct. Session

by Tama

Lost City of Omu
Camp Vengeance in Choltian Jungle
Dedicated to making sure men and nature stay in balance
Maintain hidden outposts
Volo bumps into decrepit old man.
Old Man: You won't be passing. You can't move any further. You may pass if you answer my riddle. The Death curse.
We get in through the merchant prince's gates. Wilford suggests the guards gently herd Volo away from our group. Volo insists he's a guest of the merchant prince and gets through. We are taken into a huge chamber room with arcane orbs and a man with a staff. There are eight guards, plus two servants fanning Seandra and this man.
Man: Honored guests of Seandra, I'm guessing.
Elara bows. Man seems impressed.
Man: Thank you for the show. *throws heavy bag to her* Maybe sometime you can perform a show for him. Seandra, I'll allow you to take the floor for why you brought these adventurers to my home.
Man takes us to the bathhouse.
Seandra: I don't have much time; I have been afflicted with the Death Curse. when one dies and is risen from the dead, they start to lose life, energy. They wither away. If they are attempted to be risen from the dead again, it does not work. I believe something is consuming or cursing the souls of the individuals who die or are brought back. What's more, through some ritual rite, others have been affected. Someone has an ability to perform this ritual and has been casting it on high-profile people all over Faerun. I am seeking competent adventurers to insist in helping me identify who this is. I've done my best to find them, but now I'm weak. I've got a mere month left, my body drained. I'm dying. I beg all of you for help. I'll give you an advance for the effort and promise you a magical item of your choosing, within reason, for the task upon completion of this effort. I don't have many leads to go on. I only know that it resides here. The advance is 500 gold for all of you.
Tama: How does it feel?
Seandra: Like any inky black substance is being pulled from my body. I see it go into the sky and then dissipate. You weaken every day.
Elara: I will do my best to bring life back to your body.
Seandra: I'm worried for all of Faerun. If you do not find this person before I die, I still want you to achieve this goal; you will still be paid.
Darvati: Could you get us a permit?
Seandra: To get those, you'll have to know a Flaming Fist liaison, or you can travel to Fort Belarune itself and purchase one there. The writ is important if you encounter a roaming patrol, though you seven would probably be okay. The law of the jungle is that of red claw and tooth, not civilization, despite what the Flaming Fist would have you believe. I suspect you all have a reason to want this solved too.
Tama: Some of us.
Seandra: The curse has only become noticeable in the last month.
Wilford pulls out the mask. Seandra asks to see it. He gives it to her. She asks where he got it, but he refuses to say.
Seandra: Were there ritualistic sacrifices and an abnormal amount of violence?
Wilford: I can't tell you where this place is, but I can say that in that place, violence spreads like a disease. It propagates itself.
Seandra holds up her hand to start casting a scrying spell. It's to learn about if we have been scried on recently or are actively being scried on.
Seandra: *stands* I see that the Death Curse isn't the least of your fears. If I may, I am going to cast a shroud upon you all while you are serving me in this purpose. I will help you from meeting an untimely end.
We all agree.
Seandra: This will weaken me considerably, but you will not be successful if you are hunted down and killed.
A night sky is projected into the bathhouse. All the light is being absorbed. The stars fall and cover us momentarily, then melds into us. We don't feel any different.
Seandra: As long as I'm alive and can maintain concentration on this spell -- I am an archmage of considerable knowledge, so this shouldn't be a problem -- you should be protested. You have been divinely scried. I advise you all not take advantage of the prince's good graces. Company and fish stink after three days. Why don't you look for lodging at one of the local inns? I have some I can recommend. If you are looking for an easy time, I recommend Kayla's House and Repose, but the Thundering Lizard is a fun place to be.
Tama, Maelith, Wilford, and Elara decide to go to the Executioner's Run, a dinosaur race. Tama is offered a new mount and accepts after giving Fluffy to Wotanga. She gets a giant lizard. Maelith tries to track down the old man beggar. She finds him badgering a young lady. Maelith sits back and watches through the interaction.
Maelith: That's an interesting hammer you have, sir.
Old Man: Yes, I stole it from some dick that made fun of my riddle.
Maelith: If you give me that hammer, I will let you live, and I will recruit services from you for extremely handsome penny.
Old Man: Well, I don't want to die, and I like money. Here! Oh, you, you're that lady that was with that dick.
Maelith: As for those services, where you pay handsomely, I want your sight and your ears. Occasionally, when I'm in the city, stop by and let me know if you've heard anything new about strange happenings.
Old Man tells her about a rumor. We change our scene to the dino race. Elara and Maelith place bets. Tama is drafted as a dinosaur rider by Skivo. She is set to ride a young T-Rex named Sillytooth. Everywhere, there are posters advising patrons to pay their debts or the Legbreakers will come after you. Wilford encounters a strange woman with an animal motif.
Guard, upon his approach: Hey, what are you doing?
Wilford: I'm sorry, I was just struck by this striking beauty over there.
Guard: My lady is not speaking suitors at the moment, but leave your name and she'll get back with you. You're not getting access to her at this moment. But you are her type. Leave a way to contact you and your name.
Wilford does. What he doesn't see is that for a moment, the woman regards Wilford. He wanders back off into the crowd. The first two races pass; Tama is participating in the third. Every party member watches. Sillytooth wins, ridden by the Vanquisher. Tama acquires a baby triceratops. Darvati wanders and finds the Fangs of Ubato, a fighting club who worships a god that has long since abandoned Cholt. They operate the Blood Sand Arena, an open-air, 50x50-foot pit where combatants fight bare-fisted -- sometimes to the death, depending on why they're fighting. The leader of this fighting ring is Zindar the Ironjaw. The top half of his beak has been removed and replaced with a static iron piece. Lanister went to his smithy master.
Master: Where have you been? You've been gone for three weeks.
Lani: I had stuff to take care of. I've been chartered by an adventuring group to take care of the Death Curse.
Master: Oh, you're working on the Death Curse? Why didn't you say so?
Master is visibly cursed. He becomes distressed at the site of Lani's homonculus and attempts to blow it away with a thundergun. He blows out part of his roll.
Lani: I crafted it.
Master: So you made the thing, but what were you trying to make?
Lani: I was just trying to craft a raven so I could have vision from the air.
Master: What did you use as a focus?
Lani points to the ruby gem he got from Maelith. The master walks up to look at the ruby. The homonculus caresses the master's face as he approaches.
Master: I'm getting divine vibes from this thing, which I usually don't like to play with. Based on the way this looks, I don't imagine it's a kind god. This thing will be under your control for about 20 days, then you'll wake up to it clawing your face off. How long have you had it?
Lani: One day.
Master: You can extend its life by feeding it the blood of someone you have killed. Where did you find this ruby?
Lani: My compatriot found this somewhere.
Master: You don't know and you decided to use it as a focus? Where did you find this compatriot?
Lani: My home village.
Master: And where is that?
Lani: I'm from a place called Misthaven.
Master: I have no idea where the hell that is. Is it a peaceful place?
Lani: Yeah.
Master: I don't believe you. Did you need anything? That homonculus is scaring me.
Lani takes out six gold to pay him for his services. The master refuses his payment. They sequester the homonculus in the room.
Lani: Do you know anything about the surrounding area of Port Nyanzaru?
Master: Yeah, I do.
He dusts off a sheet of paper: a map of Cholt with some markings. He also gives him a minor infusion and goggles that he calls Ratcatchers (allows him to see diseases). Lani pulls out his cat mask and asks if he's ever seen one.
Master: Is that demonic or devilish? This is clearly related to some sort of murder -- What the fuck? Leave!
Lani: This lets me see the Death Curse.
Master: I thought I knew you. You're my only hope, but you're weird. Leave.
Lani: If you need me, I'll be at the Thundering Lizard with my compatriots.
We all meet up at the Thundering Lizard. Lani explains that divinity energy is the reason the homonculus is the way it is. A Bataari goblin gets tossed out of the TL. They are violent but have cultural differences, which is why they're allowed in civilization. The TL is packed; our party is greeted by a slovenly man. The place is enormous. Tama gets pulled right through to the bar due to the warm welcome of the patrons. The barkeep doesn't like the homonculus, so Lani sends it outside with the puppet. Tama, Wilford, and Davarti get SLAMMED. The rest of the party talks to Jenga Feta, the barkeep. JF doesn't love Elara because she changes her voice and face in front of him.
JF: What brings you guys to town?
Elara: We're trying to cure the Death Curse. We were instructed to do so by Seandra.
JF doesn't recognize her.
JF: Just for you guys, 5 silver a night for each of you. Discounted rate.
Elara: Even though we have the Vanquisher amongst us?
JF: Did I say five? I'm sorry, I meant four. Do you got any leads? It just so happens that I have the guide for you. I know a pair of siblings, River and Flask. They're Tabaxi. They're right over there. I've got a real serious dwarf named Mashareeb. Very pale, I think he said albino. He only has one arm, pretty angry, pretty serious. Oh no, I'm getting him confused with Hugh Halstone. Mashareeb is part of the Gauntlet, actually a pretty nice guy. Then there's Ferulo and Gondola. One is a human with a gambling addiction, the other is a halfling with a gambling addiction. They're risk-takers who say they know where to find the bones of Nettie, this green dragon. Last but not least, Azaka Stormfang. She is a force to be reckoned with. She's got a mean disposition towards pterodactyl folk and is trying to work pro bono if people get back a family heirloom. I know there's a couple more guides too, they're just not here right now. Hal Hackenstone's crew went down to open the Wyrmheart Mines. Tinder, a red dragon, killed his whole crew.
Elara: Have you heard any rumors about the Red Wizards of Fae? It seems likely a lot of arrows point toward them.
JF: I know they're an unscrupulous bunch who has a presence here of late. If you meet one, you should kill them on sight. They look dead and are wearing red robes. They've been known to alter themselves.
Malith: I've got a question. Have you ever seen a triceratops coin?
JF: What are you implying?
Malith: I'm new here, and I simply have heard that if one of those shows up in your possession, it's a very bad sign.
JF: It is a very bad sign, but be wary sometimes because real estate investors and all kinds of folk make counterfeits or keep old ones and then mail them to people. Sometimes you don't know if they're real or not. I've never gotten one.
Malith: Do you know someone who has?
JF: I don't like telling everyone's business.
Lani's attempt to bribe him with 5 gold fails. Tama enlists someone to help spy. Wilford ends up arm-wrestling a half-orc, Timothy. The wager is that if Wilford wins, he gets an invitation to some party he's throwing. Wilford breaks the other half-orc's arm. The half-orc's friends come posturing up. Darvati is pushed and throws a punch at a human-looking fighter, Clip. Darvati wins. Timothy still invited Wilford to the party.
Darvati - vibe check on Gondola and Ferulo to see which would be more trustworthy: Ferulo is the one with the money, the one who's easily deceived. The halfling is more cavalier; Ferulo is skeptical and slightly more level-headed. They're both somewhat impulsive.
Lanister - walks up to Hugh
Lani: What can you tell me about that dragon?
Hugh: I fucking hate that dragon! I don't know if it was old or young, I jsut want it dead. It sits in the Wyrmheart Mines, waiting to taste my blade. I will slay it. Do you have interest in slaying it with me? Are you a strong adventurer? What have you slayed?
Lani: Not a dragon. Demons. Abstract concepts.
Hugh: Yeah, you would die.
Lani: I'm doing this whole Death Curse thing.
Hugh: This thing will be easier than stopping the DC, but it did kill 25 dwarfs. We had an Artificer. He was melted into the stone.
Lani says he could make him an arm soon. Hugh takes exception to this.
Hugh: Should you develop into tougher stuff someday, find me. You know dragons have a magical Fear aura?
Hugh disengages. Elara wants to hear about local markets.
Random: The merchant princes drive all economic trade. If you want things like magic items, you have to deal with the specific prince that deals with that item, usually in person. You have to set up a meeting. If you don't have a reputation, they probably won't meet with you.
Elara: I'm looking for a robe that will change my outfit.
Random: That would fall under Wokanga Otomu. As for markets, there is the Red Bazaar, which you are kind of in now; the Jewel Bazaar; and the Grand Souk. RB deals in everyday means, local meats/ales/clothing/insect repellent/other goods. The JB deals in exchanging gold and coin for jewels. GS deals in durable items. If you want anything other than a simple weapon -- or some martial weapons -- you'd need to go to a merchant prince.
Wilford - curious about the lady at the track; Zahara Inyonga. She is a woman with striking, unnatural amber eyes; very shrewd. She has made her money in the art of negotiation and mediation. She is ruthless in business and has a network of informants. She works within the merchant prince of info's cabal. She has a strong eye for the arts and supports a lot of local craftsmen. Her favorite thing is the mediation and trade of rare artifacts - she doesn't discover them, but she makes the deals happen.
Tama - asks about the Death Curse; supposedly, this DC has caught the eye of so many factions, even the Harpers (extreme do-gooders) are here. Supposedly, there's some old seer somewhere in the jungle who has the ability to scry and tell people more, but everyone who's gone to see her hasn't returned. There's a Naga that has something to do with the Yangte that are in the woods. Someone claims the Yangte got put to death a long time ago. But the other insists there's a Yangte Naga who knows something about this. Another person says he's thinking about the hag who eats villagers and tribes. Another insists there's a local shaman who knows. There are a lot of rumors surrounding this, clearly. One suggests talking to one of the factions around here. There's people all over who know stuff.
Malith - talks with Gondola
Malith: I heard you know about the dragon bones.
Gondola: I do. Are you looking to make some money?
Malith: I am, and I could use a guide.
Gondola: Are you interested in trekking into the jungle?
Malith: I have a party of my own, but I have a feeling that they're going to say yes.
Gondola: Maybe tomorrow morning, we meet here and discuss terms.
Malith agrees to this.
Freya - asked about Uldani Basin; can be reached by following a star
Elara sets up a tent and tells a tale about seven adventurers trying to stop the curse. A random citizen gives her 50 copper. Elara gives it to a beggar. The beggar comments that they don't recognize her and wants to help her.
Beggar: Come find me tomorrow and I'll take you to someone who might be able to help. Meet me at the Beggar's Palaces, two ziggarauts in the old city.
Elara: Your name?
Tomato: Tomato.
Elara gives him her bedroll. That night, we all have a dream. We scale down a basin into a giant desolate city. Perched on each of the valley tops is a gargoyle. 15 feet between each one is another gargoyle. As we slide down the cliffs into the city, they come to life and rip us limb from limb. We all wake to a cold sweat.