Eyday, 5th of October, 1799

The Master's Funeral

by Groht Arautok (Bighill)

The Master had passed away. It was in her sleep, so I could not even hold a grudge.
At the Master's funeral, the other students shared stories of their lessons. I held my tongue.
A dwarf can mourn, but he mourns in silence. For, no matter the grudges, no matter the achievements, the end comes for all. But those who pass are never forgotten.
I remembered the first lesson the Master shared with me, how stubborn I was. I would've held a grudge to myself if it hadn't been for my atonement in blood.
As it was my turn to speak, I pulled a stone from my satchel, a simple piece of sulabra, found near the lake. I carved it with basic runes, but I repeated the process again and again, reinforcing the magic within, until my chisel would carve no more.
The stone bore the fragrance of the flowers she had shown me. Sweet, but not unpleasantly so.
I placed it on the Master's grave, and thanked her.

Continue reading...

  1. The First Lesson
    Unsday, 12th of March, 1799
  2. The Master's Funeral
    Eyday, 5th of October, 1799
  3. A Beggar
    Unsday, 8th of October, 1799
  4. The Hermit Dragonborn
    Unsday, 8th of October, 1799
  5. Spirit of the Woods
    Unsday 8th of October, 1799
  6. Assaulted By Thugs
    Abonday, 10th of October, 1799
  7. A Strange Orc Approaches
    Abonday, 10th of October, 1799
  8. The Red Devourer in the Mines
    Aksday, 11th of October, 1799
  9. The Lost Duergar
    Aksday, 11th of October, 1799
  10. They Lost the Duergar
    Luxday, 12th of October, 1799
  11. An Interesting Tooth
    Luxday, 12th of October, 1799
  12. It Talks?
    Luxday, 12th of October, 1799
  13. I Hate That Bastard
    Luxday, 12th of October, 1799
  14. Accursed Woods
    Primsday, 13th of October, 1799
  15. Filthy Water
    Masday, 14th of October, 1799
  16. Trails of Death
    Tranday, 15th of October, 1799
  17. Master Dragon
    Tranday, 15th of October, 1799
  18. The Journey Ahead
    Silday, 16th of October, 1799
  19. On to Tamia
    Dorday, 17th of October, 1799
  20. Bandits on the Trail
    Vensday, 18th of October, 1799
  21. The Old Lady's Abode
    Vensday, 18th of October, 1799
  22. A Weapon Crafted
    Eyday, 19th of October, 1799
  23. Into Tamia
    Eyday, 19th of October, 1799
  24. A Relaxing Day
    Krasday, 20th of October, 1799
  25. Stone Defender - Research Notes 1
    Edsay, 21st of October, 1799
  26. The Dragonborn's Cart
    Unsday, 22nd of October, 1799
  27. To Palud Vivente
    Primsday, 27th of October, 1799
  28. A Strange Introduction
    Primsday, 27th of October, 1799
  29. Hunt for the Horn
    Primsday, 27th of October, 1799