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Sat 12th Dec 2020 08:15

The Only Good Pirate...

by 5th Blade of House Senhotep Karazasura Senhotep

Today's deeds are the like of which I wish to write my legacy upon.
It began in fog. The cloud which had fallen over my mind led me yet further into darkness, a darkness which soon enveloped me. Into the marshes I went, into the waters, and I fell into a watery murk which seemed possessed by fell spirits.
As it turned out, such was the case. As I forced my eyes open against the sting of the depths, I marveled at the sight of the protector spirit of Yokozu, a great catfish. Glowing servants of his swirled about him like stars. Its mind touched mine through the waters.
Long ago, the people of Yokozu had made a pact with the protector spirit, one in which they'd care for the natural world in return for safety. Of late, though, that promise had apparently been abandoned; pollution poisoned the water, smoke choked the sky. And so, the great catfish cursed the town with a nightly fog which would rob a person of their senses and steal them to the watery grave of a catfish belly. It almost consumed me.
It is here where I thank the Great Spirits for their approval of my piety. The visit I had paid earlier to the shrine demonstrated my commitment to the spiritual harmony of this land--instead of consuming me, this noble spirit made a pact with me: I would go free, and walk through its mists unchecked, if I swore to destroy the source of the defilement.
I shall not break a pact to the spirits themselves. Empowered by the opportunity to prove myself, I rose form the depths, finding myself amidst the cattails of the marsh. Alone, and yet surrounded by the phantoms of wolves, I returned to my companions.
I was greeted by incredulity. When I told them of the catfish, they shrugged it off. When I told them of the pirates we had left to destroy, they balked. When we saw the stack ship of the Red Devils in the harbor... well, all the better reason to retreat, they said.
While their desire t keep distance from a ravenous crew of pirates is reasonable, I cannot understand their lack of deference for a promise made to the spirits. I am no great orator. Faced by cynicism and doubt, faltering in my own ability to represent myself, I felt a charge go through me which, like a bolt of lightning, roused me into a brief state of brilliance. One which I am... not proud of. My friends--for I do truly believe I can call them as such now--did not deserve suffer the static of my outburst. I should not have crowed my allegiances to the night air in the first place, even despite or being indoors. I stormed off, to meditate, and to attempt to mend the unacceptable tear in my demeanor.
It was not long before Orlando followed me in, and then Nobler. I am thankful the worst heat of my anger is like that of my breath, a flash which fades. Instead of reprimanding me or cutting themselves off from me, they expressed a degree of admiration for my passion. And that... was different from anything of which I'd been taught.
A Blade learns to be a courteous representative of the State. A Blade learns to seek glory to inspire their people. And a Blade learns discretion; the brighter the light, the deeper the shadows. For me to upset this balance, and gain confidence as a result? Was unusual. But not unpleasant. I realize in the course of... two short weeks? If that... I have weathered much with these folk. Somewhat less so with Nobler, I suppose, but his valor speaks for itself twofold.
Our plan--we would infiltrate the pirate base atop the karsts, those rocky spires over the water, with Orlando rendering himself and Nobler invisible while I snuck in from the base at the water, Baltos serving as an intermediary. Orlando would create an illusion of Gaku, returning triumphant from slaying me, to create a gap for them to enter. From there, they would seek artillery to destroy the boats and the facility while I ventured deeper to slay whatever leader remained.
My ascent went smoothly, my grapple serving me well. At the top of the defilement, beneath the highest smokestack, I saw what appeared to be a forge, staffed by a crew of pirate-smiths.
Damn Del'Ortans. The only thing worse than traitors and pirates are traitor pirates who have become organized and developed manufacturing capabilities. There was nothing more I could do here--the object of their smithing was out of sight, as was any captain. I had Baltos alert Orlando and Nobler and kept moving.
Just as I did, an uproar arose--a familiar green snake staggered across the bridge, hissing his hollow victory to the masses. I was prepared to end his life with a Windpiercer before I realized he was an illusion. In the ruckus, though, I saw his companions leading him towards... his brother.
I'm glad Orlando had the sense to make his illusion seem wounded--what an insult would it have been if this lowlife had returned unscathed from besting me.
There was only one way to reach where I needed to go by foot: the bridges. Exposed, highly visible. Not an option. At least, not an option to walk... Murmuring a prayer to the Great Spirits and wishing my father and Hikari could see this, I took my grapple in hand and swung to the bridge. I have felt no greater rush than the wind whistling upon my scales as I flew through the air. So this is what the great dragons nested within my bloodline have experienced when they felt, when they feel flight. It felt... natural. The wind called to me.
Careful to not be seen, and careful to contain my fear and my exuberance, I climbed beneath the bridge and swung to the next, climbing beneath that one as well. The water was a long way down, churning against the karsts. But I made it, made it to the structure atop this other spire. And from its roof, I saw a familiar face. Two of them.
Nar'shen, alive and well. His crew had foiled the Red Devils and stolen their ship, cunning bastards. And next to him was Akl-Go, brutish brother of Gaku. I should have known. Their conversation answered some questions and raised more. It was indeed Nar'shen's warrant which sought our demise, and now the crew of the Maycomb lent the Bearded Dragons the requisite resources to forge equipment and supplies, the nature of which I could not discern. Do the pirates mean to go to war? It was the drow's warrant which had sought our lives, and, as it would seem to be, his signature tied to that missive I had found in earlier days which Hikari had been unable to discern. Now, Nar'shen sent Akl-Go to finish the job of finding and killing my friends.
Leaving himself alone with a Blade.
My Windpiercer found its mark, but the pirate captain twisted as it flew and it missed his heart. I leapt down to face him, before I felt a surge of something within me. Here I was, looking out over the vastness of the ocean from a sheer spire, the faintest cracks of the morning sun beginning to blaze over the horizon. It was time--time for the moon to fall and the sun to rise. And so, framed by the dawn, I challenged this pirate perhaps the first worthy one I've met, to a duel.
His vile eagerness might have warned me of what I faced, but I knew this was the right way.
His hand went to his blade.
A cruel smile twisted his face.
Determination narrowed his eyes.
My thoughts returned to my home, my father tapping my limbs with his scabbard to adjust my form. My prior duel with a pirate, the perils of Ha-Jun Ka. The look of triumph on my sister's face when she defeated the First Blade of the time and took his place. In the crash of the ocean I felt the spirit of Zephyros wash over me, in the red gleam of the sun I felt Cinder light my path, and in my heart I felt Fraxiros, my ancient sire, propelling my hand.
My kesh'tam leapt from its scabbard.
Nar'shen was snakelike, slipping from the path of my blade as I felt his open a long wound upon my torso. But I struck his neck, even barely! Rubies danced in the air as we wheeled about to face each other again.
I was bleeding. The wound was deep, a severe blow. If I did not finish the fight quickly, I was done for.
I pressed my assault. My speed took him aback, and I sank into his shoulder before he was able to strengthen his defense. He shoved me away, reared back to finish me off.
But for all his craftiness, he was not raised by the Sun Arts as I was.
His cutlass slid off my Falling Waters defense and I took his footing, finishing him off.
He cursed me as he went, grasping my leg. Even as sought to wrench myself away, I saw the sigil of a crow's feather burn itself into me. At first, I was shocked--what hold can the profane keep upon the pious? His scoundrel's superstition struck me as ridiculous, until it scorched my scales. A raven... What portent could that entail?
He possessed on him his flamboyant riches, a heaping handful of coin, and two pistols I'm certain Nobler and Orlando will put to good use. The real treasure? The magitech exoskeleton I found upon his body. I have heard of such technology spoken of in awestruck tones back in Draconia, but to find such finery on a pirate? It makes my worry who spoke into his ear from above--he can hardly have obtained this on his own. It appears to house a grapple system of its own, one with a steel cable, which should prove... very useful, given my fulminous inclinations.
I tossed the rest of the heap into the sea. The only good pirate is a dead pirate, and I've quite had enough of them. Now, to bandage myself, find my companions, finish off Akl-Go, and destroy his operation; a task for the heroes of old. Such feats are still spoken of in legend, bold defiance of impossibility...
I think we're ready for it.
May the Great Spirits watch me through the gleam of my sword, guard me in the plates of my armor, guide me in the words of the strangers I've yet to make familiar, and bless me in the light of sun and moon. May they walk in the stride of those I walk amongst, and touch the world through the hands of my companions. May their deeds echo in my actions and their will echo in my wishes. I am but a transient pilgrim walking the tracks of this past and future world, my blood the blood of my lord and my father and my people.