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Thu 14th Jan 2021 04:20

Riding the Storm

by 5th Blade of House Senhotep Karazasura Senhotep

To think after spending most of my time here killing pirates, my mission would require I become one!
Before we really got to planning the Red Devils' demise, I wanted to make sure Nema had a means to defend herself and our dwarven friend There is a type of twinned sword whose art was first practiced by ascetics in Draconia and became popular with the political class, swords known as choko'tam--butterfly swords. It seemed fitting for me to obtain these for Nema; they can be worn hidden or displayed, and are best wielded through fluid movement and agile form, something Nema showed promises of. I managed to find a backroom dealer--Samuel, he called himself.
I included Nobler in the giving of this gift--his relationship with her will be most essential for the comfort of them both, kindred spirits as they are. They are beautiful swords--it was always a privilege watching a master practice with them! Nema seemed enraptured, though I could not tell whether it was from the workmanship of the blades or the act of having been given a gift. Either sufficed; I just hope the awe shifts to resolve should she ever need to wield them. It is far too easy to assume or feign confidence when one is equipped with the cutting-edge; now my responsibility to her is to make sure she knows how to use them competently, if not adeptly.
There's another thing--though Orlando, Nobler, Baltos, and myself entered Samuel's shop, only Nobler and I seemed to exit. Orlando had slipped away again, taking his companion with him. I cannot pretend to have know why at the time. It was dismaying, especially after we had agreed together that the safest way to traverse Del'Orta was as a group. But here we found ourselves abandoned by him. Orlando is as fickle as the storms which seem to follow him. We waited for him back at the Gilded Lily while Nema examined her gift.
Well, actually, we waited a bit separately--I left Nobler in their room alone while I waited in our adjacent room. I could certainly get used to quarters such as this while traveling; a hot bath and comfortable beds far surpass anything I've ever experienced at sea! I was raised to be comfortable on the road and abroad, to not expect luxury, but I must say--it's nice where I can get it! I wonder what transpired in that other room while I was absent. Nobler is a charming man, who I understand to be rather ruggedly handsome by human standards. And Nema the same! They seem an excellent fit. I reflected on the Great Romance of the Latter Age in my brief meditation then. Adeline the Huntress was the capable defender of her small town of Miscop, a Guardian spirit, and Cinder the Firemind a transient mage without a place, a Wanderer. When they united, she saved his life, and he helped free her town from the clutches of a fell evil, and from there their bond blossomed as their mutual respect brought each of them to greater heights. What goes on between my two companions seems none too different in the scheme of cosmic harmony, and it is a saga I would like to see through. It is my duty to let ring the echoes of the Great Spirits which surround us and permeate us.
In the moment, though, Baltos burst in, with Orlando following shortly after. The most shocking thing Orlando gave us was not our gaudy costumes--I'll explain, I promise--but his apologies. He is wracked by doubt that comes not from a lack of faith in one's own abilities, but a lack of understanding of the care of others, a piece of the puzzle which seemed finally to fall into place and make the shape of the thing clear.
I cannot pretend to understand such a complex desolation as being unwanted. Though I lost my mother a a young age, and my family was busy with the great responsibilities vested in us, I never felt as if I was without care--Amiri, Izem, Hikari when she could, my father to the best of his abilities, and the spirit of my mother which watches me still. Many others, as well, all invested in my success in some way or the other, even in rivalry. To be alone... Perhaps the presence of faith in his life would be valuable to him. Even a transient pilgrim may carry many cherished echoes in their heart if they understand how to listen.
For now, I made sure to let him know I was with him, in body as in spirit. And he told us his master plan to destroy the Red Devils...
Frankly, I should not be surprised he conceived such a wild scheme. We are to disguise ourselves in elaborate attire and make our way into the very heart of the Red Devil territory--their brothel. Once inside, after seeing the sights and assessing our enemy's home base in great detail, we will strike swiftly to dismantle the Red Devils where they are most confident. I can call my swords to me if relieved of them, and no such problem exists for Nobler in the first place; with the chaos Baltos and Orlando can create, we'll be able to tear them apart as we wish. The tight spaces of a brothel should restrict their ability to bring firearms to bear and allow us to control how many we engage at once, as well as creat a number of choke points and hideaways as needed.
I like it. It's absurd, but I like it--the sort of scheme Morikage themself would approve. Perhaps I could even make use of arson to create additional chaos, although Orlando seemed fond of the prospect of owning the brothel for himself. We shall see. It's nothing I intend to do without consulting them first--one can't begin lighting fires without alerting their comrades beforehand!
And so, the Stormbreakers--the Stormbringers? Who knows, I haven't the patience for names at the moment--shall raze destruction upon the Del'Ortan status quo. I cannot wait to finally be paying these pirates back their due.
May the Great Spirits watch me through the gleam of my sword, enlighten me in the hidden places of the world, guide me in the words of the strangers I've yet to make familiar, and bless me in the light of sun and moon. May they walk in the stride of those I walk amongst, and touch the world through the hands of my companions. May their deeds echo in my actions and their will echo in my wishes. May I honor them in the paths I follow and the waters I tread and the mountains I climb. I am but a transient pilgrim walking the tracks of this past and future world, my blood the blood of my lord and my father and my people.