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Fri 22nd Oct 2021 05:38

Ups and Downs

by The Dragon of the Sun Drakon Tor

So it took a bit for Teal to auction with the guilds for the artifact, however The Dead Beast's Stare won it for a hefty sum. We were tasked with delivering it to them in the heart of Faedal, my backyard! I enjoyed walking though it and shooting a bandit along the way, where Finn proved himself as a capable Monk, and we found the remnants of the members of the Dead Beast's Stare, which were dead due to the very bandits who killed my parents! We tracked them to a stone keep and John managed to sneak in with little effect, and Finn decided to be EXTREMELY DUMB and try to break though the door like a "Kool Aid Man." I tried to stop him but I failed and we went thought the door, where Finn tried to BARGAIN WITH THEM TO GET BACK>400,000 Gold! I ended up striking him and they were snakes! I got ganged up on and I blacked out. Next thing I know, I was up, with my friends finishing off the remnants of the bandits, and after I apologized, we found the money and went back to Tsinaal, where we had delivered the money to Teal's house, and we delivered the Artifact to the Dead Beast's stare, where we were met with hostility and suspicion. After a bit of time, we found a note in the Guildhouse, which led to us going to house Izzel and finding the leader dead. After a look around the other guildhouses, we went to the Vigilant and found the council dead and a black force leaving the scene....