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Tue 7th Dec 2021 03:27

Finn On Trial

by The Dragon of the Sun Drakon Tor

Finn's father has died from falling off of the Guildhall, and Finn was the only one that saw it happen. The Vigilant is currently putting him on trial, and I have been asked to testify, whereas Eric and Mike are his defense. It's times like this I miss John, for he could've talked to Finn and comforted him better than anyone else. I do not know if Finn killed his father or not, Eric vouched for him, but he seemed a bit untrustworthy when I talked to him, like he is afraid of me. Me and an old lady were the only witnesses(?) (People that testify, anyway, not sure if witnesses is the right word). She said that Finn murdered his father and she saw it, but I also sensed the prescence of a Fiend on her, so I do not know what to think about her. I hope he is proven innocent, as he is a good person...... WAIT! I JUST REMEMBERED! I HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE PEOPLE TELL THE TRUTH! Now just convince the Vigilant of it, and use it on the old Ma'am and Finn.