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Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731 T

Future past

by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene

I walk down the ramp to see Vanya!! I am thrilled, but she is not alone. The two mentats, one dressed as an outlaw tech (Almon d'Joy) and the other as a Corellian lounge lizard (Kit Kat), are with her as well as two strange Crimson Knights. They are introduced as Sir Rock Topna and Dame Elania Kosh. I give her a brief introduction to our three crisis: Katana fleet, centaur fighters, and persona non-grata inside the orb. She wants to check on Danar and rolls out with most of the people though she sends Sir Rock off to meet the natives to find out their plans for hostage rescue. I in the meantime go over to Lady Zaye and the repair tech to check on the status as I was hoping the repairs would be further along. He is saying something about the entire atmospheric regulator is missing. I know they have one, but supposedly they have to peel back more of my hull to insert it. I am a bit outraged by that, but he holds firm to it being necessary if we want to breathe while on the ship in space. Neither Lady Zaye nor myself are happy about this, but I don't know that we have any choice.
I take the time while we are alone to probe into her past a bit. She has a haunted look in her eyes when we begin to discuss ships. She fears I will hate her once I learn more about her past. She says she thinks I am entitled to her back story and I stop her and tell her that while I am curious, I am not entitled. She is free to tell me what she wants when she wants. She acknowledges that, thinks for a bit, then with a deep breath she begins to talk about some parts of her past. Balance has been a philosophy driven home that she could not look away from. Her adopted father - Grakkus the Hutt - was who trained her to that philosophy. He will have something to say because Grakkus tolerated her relationship with Vance Kerplocken after she refused to assassinate him. Nogrhi have two types of marriages - bond which are political in nature and our marriage. Ours is different in that I will have a voice in the Kajidic as she already has. Our first looming problem is that we will have to deal with dad sending in her sister to kill me. Her sister was raised by the Night Sisters until she was adopted by Grakkus. There is an out that she thinks we might have to take though she hopes not. I change the subject slightly to ask if the kids are going to be okay with the change in status. She tells me that the children's father died honorably, and Vance was kind to them. They understand the honor bond marriages but will have to have this non-bond explained to them and Zaye feels that they will be fine with the change as they like and admire me. We will see how long that lasts. Then she mentions that if necessary, we can always create our own Kajidic.
I am taken aback by the thought and decide that we have had enough hard conversations for the moment and go to her for a hug. She tenses for a second and there is a moment that something flashes through her body that I will have to add to the list for later conversation. She finally relaxes and leans into the hug. We have a nice married couple moment and then we both hear Vanya walk up behind me. I whisper to Zaye that we might as well listen to what she has to say as she won't go away and we do like her. Vanya assigns me to be leader of team #1 with a goal of creating a program to deploy to the navigation buoys to convince the fleet that there is a storm happening the shipping lane that would cause catastrophic damage to the fleet, get their ship sensors to agree with that diagnosis, and re-route them to another similar planet that will convince them that the storm killed the planet. I have the following assigned to this team: Heath, Kit Kat, So' Zen (part-time), and Nalso. I know that Nalso was in the process of setting up a working area for us. Vanya also has an assignment for Zaye and I check to verify that she is good with that assignment and remind her that she can now choose what she does or does not do. As Vanya talks about Vance and Danar being two different people, I lean over and whisper to Zaye," Your kids do know to keep the fact that Danar was Vance a secret?" She nods slightly, "Yes. Don't worry. Our kids can be discreet." I wince slightly and respond, "Just wanted to check. I hope no offence is taken." She smiles. "None taken. It's a very sensible worry."
Two children dash by ... "hi Moms! Uncle Hicks says hi! We're taking good care of him!" ... two children dash back by toward the med bay brandishing their practice stun training lightfoils. I look as Zaye. "Should we be concerned?" Zaye watches the kids thoughtfully. "Hm. Maybe. Children? Who are those for?" she asks. The pair come to a fast halt, both look excited. "Uncle Hicks! He's going to help us learn to dodge! "Zaye looks at you. "Perhaps a little concerned." "Do we think that adding them to one of the teams would be a good idea? They would think outside the box, would be more supervised, and might help one or more of the situations." I shrug my shoulders, "On the other hand, I do trust Hicks to babysit and I don't think he would teach them anything dangerous." "You know, that might be a good idea. I trust Hicks, too, but I do worry a little they'll wear him out given he's supposed to be resting."
Captain Darkstrider approaches and lets me know that she has pulled all of the scans that I requested and there is a big conference room set aside that will hold all of us. I turn to Zaye and tell her that I have to run to work on this and to remember that she does have choices now. As I follow Nalso to the conference room, I let the others know that there is plenty of room for all of them and we can pool our resources as we begin to work on the various problems. My first task is to compare the scans thet they have taken over the years. I still feel mostly confident that there is a ship buried under the ground, but the scans are too widespread to be one ship. Maybe multiple ships? Maybe one ship that broke apart and got buried in pieces? In the scans we can see what appears to be staging areas with humanoid shaped pods and might be charging stations. Heath starts looking at the map locations for the charging locations and he begins to extrapolate that the entire planet might actually be a space station.

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  45. Zaye Kolene
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  46. Future past
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  48. Can we kill him already?
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