WTF, mate by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene | World Anvil

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12731 10 Telona

WTF, mate

by Aerena 'Relentless' Kolene

Suddenly, we are in a room and by we I mean only me and Davish Tam. He looks gray and worn out. Around us are maybe people of some kind that look like they are eating food. I check on Davish and he needs rest and food, not necessarily in that order. I contemplate putting my hands up and slowly side-stepping over to grab some food for him and me cause I could use a bite too.
There are eight guard types coming at us and I manage to grab a bowl of something rice like and get it back to Davish. He eats it and the "gentleman" I took it from looks up at a guard and requests a refund. He is shoved aside in a no-nonsense matter by the guard. Davish does something and the guard give the guy some money. Davish thanks him for the food and they exchange a few words. The guards are confused as they apparently expected only one and there are two of us. I manage to convince the guards that Davish needs assistance and they send one to get a dish cart. They have never heard of hover carts.
The dish cart is finally approaching when suddenly the radio of one goes off with a whole bunch of coded gibberish and we are grabbed and hustled towards a door with an iris opening. I tell Davish he should do some Jedi something or other, but we are being hustled along. Suddenly, he turns and manages to disarm the guy holding him and is shoving the dangerous end under the guy's chin. I attempt to roundhouse the guy holding me and instead end up on the floor. The guard leans over to help me up by pulling my hair! and sees what is happening with Davish. He pulls his "gun" to point it at Davish to threaten him and ignoring me. I stand up and in an attempt to disarm him manage to jam my shoulder under his chin which forces his head back and hopefully causes him pain.
I grab the gun from the dazed and confused guy and jump across the aisle so that I am beside Davish. The guards fire towards us, but the shots go up into the air. I use the gun I confiscated and shot the ground in front of them to discourage them from coming back towards us. Davish asks the guy he is holding to point out the boss and the boss decides it is better to shoot the guy Davish is holding. Davish dances out of the way of the shot and they end up back in the exact same position. The guard between us and the front three.
There are a couple of doors in the hallway and while I menace the guys in front and behind us, Davish convinces his buddy to open one of the doors. We are in the kitchen with a lot of unhappy people. Davish keeps his guy and puts his empty bowl in the sink as he passes. We choose to go through the wider doorway instead of back towards the courtyard where we started. We enter a room which is filled with blue lizard-like aliens that are Shriner's - honest to God Shriner's.
We meet up with a short woman who commands Davish to put down his hostage and follow her. Suddenly we glitch. No other way to explain the next two seconds of plain weirdness. Afterward, we knock out the guard so he won't get fired and follow her. We are walking down a corridor in what appears to be a skyscraper. We eventually end up in a meeting room that appears to be totally customizable for multiple species.
A droid enters the room and introduces itself as MP-8. It pulls up a map on the table and then the captain speaks up and asks for our healer. The droid pulls out a disk and pushes a button and suddenly a balloon inflates and talks. He claims to be a priest of Triune and asks for us to indicate our illnesses. He heals Davish and So'Zen and Davish is shocked by the use of the force. When he tries to find out why the balloon can use the force, we are accused of being barbarians and specieists.
After consulting with MP-8 and Bey Max, it is determined that the best way to get out of this wherever we are is to take the ship they are offering and go to this beacon location which just happens to be the Library at the Nexus where So'Zen hs been before. He confirms that there will be a way to get back to our universe from there. MP-8 and the captain leave the room. We gather our gear and Davish attempts to contact Vanya with no luck.
We get on a vehicle and drive through the city to get to the station. We see lots of different types of people and species as we traverse the streets. We get to the docking bay and see a very tall, slender alien who is most uncomfortable with the captain. She goes over a few rules and we enter the ship. I sit down in the pilot's chair and attempt to start it up. I try two more times and do NOT succeed. The alien takes over in order to get us out of the docking bay and out towards the beacon while I observe.
We make the first leg of the journey and I chat a bit with the pilot. He apparently was caught just like we were and his only way to stay alive is to do this mission. The Bey Max pops up to check on all of his patients and recommends rest. So'Zen asks for a story and then the Bey Max goes back to his box and we go back into drift space for the next leg of the journey. This time we see various floating bits of flotsam and jetsam as well as a largish thing that looks like a building.
I take over the controls for a bit and manage to fly us past the first section of debris. Ahead of us is a landing strip to the port side and that building thing to starboard. I ask the guys if they wish to investigate either one and they ask for a minute to check something. Then we fly past the building without stopping and make it to our next stopping place. Fifteen minutes and then we will be ready to go again. We enter back into the drift space and I take the conn as our alien pilot feels that I have better reflexes even though he knows the equipment better.
We make it past the first section of a heavily populated debris field. I hear Davish wandering around, but don't hear anything from the others. Davish then enquires about my dietary likes and the upshot is that we have two giant space squids on the warpath. I send Davish to the tail guns and Danar to the belly guns while I concentrate on flying. They fire and manage to damage the first one a few times and then I try to dodge when it shoots actual lightning at us! I dodge that and the guys get in a few more shots. It doesn't appear to be slowing down so I try to dodge and somehow end up going back the way we were coming from. The squid appeared to lose our trail, but when it was shot at it turned around to follow us again. I flipped over it and then we hit the boost and managed to get clean away.
I hear a sproing and tell the pilot to turn off the boost and then to go check the engine. He instead wakes up Bey Max and tells him that his heart is racing. He gets knocked out and Bey Max wakes up the other three droids. One helps So'Zen to repair the engine and then docks himself. One of the others discusses with me the necessity of re-programming our flight plan. After we discuss various strategies we change the programming to be a longer, safer route. So'Zen comes into the cockpit and talks about a course change. I can't do anything so he wakes up the droid to change course. After discussion with the guys in the galley, we decide to take So'Zen's course change and I have the droid change the flight path.
Five hours later, I ask Bey Max to wake the pilot. Then I hear all sorts of commotion behind me and suddenly all the lights go dark. Eventually, the commotion dies down and I get the system lights back on. I check with Davish and we determine that turning off the engines and drifting in like the items that followed us out of the drift. We get close enough to our destination that I can see buildings and turn the engines back on and scan for signs of life. I have a message telling me to power down and wait for landing instructions. I comply just as the pilot returns to the cockpit. He keeps saying it is bad, but no details and then interceptors fly past us and towards the drifting debris.
The pilot decides to hide from the librarians and the others grab the disks so we can smuggle the droids into the library. We wake up one of the droids and have it handle communication. It does tell us how to put up the drift bubble which works as a shield against scanners. While the gentlemen argue about whether to do it or not, I quietly turn on the bubble. The droid and the people on the planet argue for a while and then we are given specific instructions for landing. I follow those exactly and the pilot comes out of hiding and gives more details on his past and why the librarians want to kill him. We land and So'Zen heads out to talk to the ones waiting to meet him.
After a while, one of the librarians approaches in order to refuel and refresh our supplies or so they claim. I approve the refueling, but then they insist on coming inside. I contact the pilot to verify that claim and they call bullshit so I tell the librarian no and they start climbing the hull. The ship volunteers to electrocute them and I agree. The librarian screams and falls off the hull. I inquire about his health and he gets up slowly and debates for a few minutes before going to the hanger bay doors and sealing the bay and powering the doors down. At the same time, Davish enters and begins to discuss the situation with him.
I scan for life signs and discover around 4000 in a meditative state and then do a quick scan to find the beacon on our level just a few rooms away which should be beside the artifact we have to find.

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