5. A mage and his friend, Eugen by Lyaria | World Anvil

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11th of February 858 YET TO BE SEND

5. A mage and his friend, Eugen

by Lyaria Apollin

Dear father,
I feel like I'm writing to you too often. Not even two days have passed since my last letter but I've been so excited to tell you about the party . I miss you so please write to me from time to time and send the letters to Alomir. They will find their way to me.
Now, father, to be honest with you, we went to this party for a good reason. You see, when we were in Tibol port, a thief stole Nerissa's pendant.She cried for so long that we had to find her a new one. And what better place to do a deal but at a party with the most important merchants?
You should have seen me and Nerissa trying to make deals. I'm pretty sure you would have had a lot of fun. After all, you know how diplomatic I am. Hehehe, don't worry, everything turned out very well when Damaschini came to help. We met a very kind merchant who was willing to do a deal with us. Even though his face was serious, he liked our jokes. The deal was very good so we accepted it. It was only later the next day when we realised the deal would keep us in Dushen Peninsula for too long. So Damaschini and I went to cancel the deal. Of course, the merchant was not happy so probably we will not become friends.
One more thing, i almost forgot to mention. Remember when I told you that Talion was a guest of honor? Apparently,Miyun must have made a mistake. He wasn't invited to the party at all. So he joined other commoners that were gathering nearby. But it's alright. He told us he had fun. He even met a new friend called Eugen. He is a simple man that works in a store nearby. However, despite his humble condition, he knows how to read and his services are of the highest quality.
Of course, the peace didn't last for long. The next morning, the tavern where we were staying was blown away by some kind of sorcerrer. Everyone is safe thanks to Evhai. Who knows what would have happened if he didn't come so fast to help us.
You will hear from me again soon. 'Till we meet again.
Your lovely daughter,

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  5. 5. A mage and his friend, Eugen
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