Korgoth Mental Notes: Mistakes were made by Korgoth | World Anvil

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Korgoth Mental Notes 5

Korgoth Mental Notes: Mistakes were made

by Korgoth

So while resting, I woke up to some noise thinking it might be another ambush. Seriously, after grick's, water weirds, kippers, duregar, and swarms of more fucking kippers, I was seriously not in the mood and was getting quiet nettled from these battles. Luckily, i was pleasantly surprised to watch this mushroom looking thing with i think a crown and a cape. Looked like a larger version of Stool. Anyway, it was trying to talk to Myseri and she immediately started to kill the shit out of it. Best part, it turns out it was Zeder and one of his illusions. Worst part was Denalt, the hero of Greenest, the town I AM CONVINCED teleported him into the Underdark for return the town to a nice and quiet place to live, almost stole the kill. Still was pretty funny... You know, I do wish it was real. I think the cape and crown would have looked good on me.

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