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Sat 30th Mar 2024 05:52


by Madlyn Greenshield

Begin To my future biographer,
Every day my destiny is becoming more obvious. The God of Majere chose me, and now I have become a Knight of the Rose. I don’t believe in and luck or coincidences. It wasn’t chance that Arthur was the one to raise me. It has been my destiny all along to be the hero this world needs. I will to bring glory and restore peace to this world. I hope we are able to find some answers in Tarsis. I would like to know how the previous Knight of Solamnia failed with the last calamity. I’m confident that when the time comes, I will be able to full fill my destiny, but I would like to have some of my questions answered. How did Arthur become a Knight of the Rose? Why didn’t Arthur tell me more during all the years I spent learning from him? Did he think we’d have more time?
- Madlyn