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Sun 28th Apr 2024 02:29

Aerial Perspective

by Madlyn Greenshield

Dear future biographer,
Today, I’m writing to you as I am flying across Krynn on an airship. The view is spectacular. It’s an out of body experience. I wonder if this is how Majere feels: able to go anywhere, weightless.
As peaceful as it is now, getting the airship was no easy feat. At the base of the airship, we ran into Takhisis and some of goons. I hate how easily she can find us and toy with us. It is very unsettling. She wants Manon, and I don’t know why. Arthur must have known the reason, since he was the one who told me to protect the Sinclair’s. Why didn’t he explain more? I was impressed with the bravery Manon showed. She argued with Takhisis and did not give in to her requests. It takes a lot of character to stand your ground when the people you care about are hurting, and I was just so impressed with her. I hate that once again I felt useless fighting the dragon riders Takhisis summoned. I was able intercept one attack on Laina, but the dragons moved at such a fast speed I wasn’t able to react in time to intercept the next 4-6 attacks that went her way. I was 5 ft from her watching as she took blow after blow. I need to be stronger. I need to be smarter. I need to be faster. My friends need me to be better. The world needs me to be better. Majere chose me to be champion to lead this world to glory, and I need to not fail. I felt like I had whiplash swing my neck back and forth trying to rally and give strength to my comrades to keep fighting after they were getting hammered with attacks. At one point after enduring more dragon attacks than anyone every should, I saw Kaylan in such poor shape that it looked like she may crumble to the ground at any minute. I was worried she was going to die, and I knew at that point with every ounce of pure muscle in my body, that I couldn’t let that happen. Looking at her injured body, I felt this warmth channeling through my veins. The only thing that mattered was keeping her alive. I turned to hold her as it looked like she might fall any minute. When our skin touched, it felt like electricity. Sparks tingling through every inch of my body as I channeled divinity and saw life coming back to Kaylan. Finally, when I looked into her eyes and saw the warmth and caring stare that I’ve become accustomed to, I knew she was going to be okay to continue. I just knew Cotbt couldn’t lose our healer.
That is how I spent most of the battle: desperately, trying to keep Cotbt alive and fighting. Takhisis gave up eventually after Manon continued to refuse to join her, and she summoned the remaining two dragons to flee. I think she knew that we were going to win the battle at that point after two dragons were killed. I was so grateful to have Zy and Manon fighting by our sides. Zy was able to shoot at such a far range and do so much damage, and I had never seen Manon consumed with so much anger. Manon concerned me at one point. She looked mad casting such a powerful spell that had ribbed studded bananas. She reminded me of her grandfather. I worry that some magic might not be worth the sacrifices on one’s mind and soul. I should talk to Manon later about needing to be more disciplined. I know it is a hard choice not to sacrifice yourself for others, but you staying healthy is usually what will benefit the group the most.
I need to figure out a better strategy to fight these dragons. Waiting for a dragon to come to ground level to get one attack off isn’t efficient enough, and I don’t have the endurance to cast guiding bolt at range over and over again throughout a battle. Majere has suggested finding a way to ground a dragon. However, I read all about fighting strategies of the Knight of Solomnia in the Tarsis Library and there was no mention of traps or nets that could contain a dragon. They used dragon riders to fight dragons. We saw Takhisis’ people riding dragons, but it doesn’t look like that is going to be easy. Bo has incredible strength and has that farmer chic that makes her good with animals and even she couldn’t mount one of the dragons. I doubt these metallic dragons that we plan to free are going to be kind enough to let us ride them after they’ve been imprisoned for years. I guess we are hoping that the metallic dragons will be able to number to chromatic dragons, and maybe we’ll be able to focus on the foes on the ground. Maybe this sword we are trying to forge will be able to do enough damage to make one attack from ground level worth it. I just hate not knowing how to train to fix this disadvantage. If I had an answer, I have no doubt that I could work and train and overcome this obstacle, but the problem is I don’t know how to fix it.
“There’s no shortcuts to winning. Success is hard work, perseverance, and learning”

  • Sir Madlyn Greenshield, Captain of the Lemish Guard, champion of Majere, officer of Cotbt, Knight of Solomnia Order of the Rose, honored hero of Port O’Call