Somewhere down this road (prompt 2) by Mazira | World Anvil

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Wed 8th Dec 2021 01:19

Somewhere down this road (prompt 2)

by Mazira Ambervale

Everyone's sleeping and once again here I sit wide awake very very wide awake Cant stop my thoughts they are crashing in My head .. makes my head hurt I wish I could quiet them down even for a second ..
Gold hit me today I mean it wasn't hard or anything it didn't hurt well not really.. well ok it hurt but in a very different way then you would think ... when he struck me all this rage built up inside me I felt like thumping him back then I felt ashamed then scared a whirl wind of emotions whipping around in my head .. My mother hit me a lot My grand mother hit me even more and the school teacher and elders in the village I was raised even more still .. All my life I've been hit and I can handle that I can ..its the words that go with it that sting words like beast and stupid and clumsy and savage these words any any more like them seem to always follow me where ever I go ..
Yea I know I am not as bright as some but I am not stupid either . I often wonder if I wasn't half orc if they would call me these things ???
I am Mazira I am half human half ORC but all people see is the orc side of me .. ORC what is that even who is that ? I know nothing of my orc side hmm I know everything of my human and that part of me I can't stand No human has ever been my friend or asked my advice no human has ever respected me .. Oh I know respect is earned not giving My mother taught me that and I tried tried really hard to respect the elders of my village ..
But they were all stubborn and pig headed and rude and even some were cruel Respect bah fuck that that is not how you get respect .. well not me anyhow..
Respect is earned trust is earned sigh I just don't understand why I have to work three times as hard as every body else to be seen or to taken seriously I just don't understand
I n my heart I know I am meant for greatness somewhere down this road I know something is waiting for me something great something that makes sense
Years of dreams just can't be wrong ...
I just want to find a place where I will be safe and wanted where people understand me I want to find my Home I want to do great things be seen as mighty and strong .. there has got to be more out there for me
Who knows where this road may go where this journey will take me BUT I know in my heart I am meant for greatness I am Mazira I am Half ORC I am the weaker sex and I am not going to let that stop me I am going to show you all that I have a place in this world
and one day people will know who I am will know My name will look at me with recognition You will see I will show them all I am meant for something bigger then all of this

Continue reading...

  1. The long journey to Me (Prompt 1)
  2. Somewhere down this road (prompt 2)