October 18th, 1863

Ratation Experimentation

by Braeburn Applewood

With the battle against the night creatures over, and their bodies atomizing quickly after their defeat, I and my companions returned to Pridwins home briefly before going to the Tavern and relaxing after the battle. The townspeople seem quite amused with us and congratulated us on our exploits, and Lupa repaid said gratitude with Ale for everyone. I, however, did not drink as I still had business to complete regarding the composition of the Night Creatue blood. I went to Ronin and with his help uncovered the fact that Night Creatures seemingly have no weakness. Worse still I found out that the night creatures' undead tendencies come from being made from human beings, as trace compounds of deceased human tissue were found in their blood. Ronin and I also spoke on the epidemic affecting the citizens of the city, and I found that he was averse to rat experimentation. I suppose there are other methods of understanding a pathogen or disease, but I cannot allow the lives of a few rodents to trump the lives of hundreds of people. It'll be my sin to bear, not his. . .if things go according to plan. We traveled to the underground to follow Ronins lead about Felix, and that proved to be fruitless. However, the trip was not all for not, as we were able to acquire some of the drugs suspected to be spreading the ailment. Unfortunately, I do not have a space to perform my experiment to determine the origin of the poison, so I must use Marie's house. She will no doubt look at me differently now, even more so now that I understand her condition. Although, perhaps its better that she doesn't remember me, less to mourn as she sees how I've changed. . .At least Lupa remains the same, mostly, and ever eager to chase after some animal. Rickyious Mortyus is. . .troubling I hope her apprehension and phobia of Lycans and shifters do not end up causing problems for us down the line. I also hope Lupa doesn't let the strange looks and comments get to her, a mining expedition lives and dies by the cohesion of its members. . .it was very heartwarming to see Marie and Herrick interact. She is so much more different than she was, yet oddly she seems happier. I wonder what she'll become if her memories come back, heh, a mix of the old Marie and new. That could be interesting to see if she lets me see it that is. By the time our journey ends I doubt any of them will look at me the same, but maybe one could hope. . .

Continue reading...

  1. The Trip to Sublidras
    5th day after leaving Earthspur
  2. Hunter in The City
    october 17th 1863
  3. Ratation Experimentation
    October 18th, 1863