october 17th 1863

Hunter in The City

by Braeburn Applewood

As I arrived at the city I was beset upon a guard who searched through my bag for various goods, I informed him of the trouble in Briar Wood but was directed to inform a guard posted at a higher gate of the city. I thought this was very strange, why should a normal, as far as he knows, citizen be tasked with delivering important information regarding the area surrounding the capital. Purebloods are their own worst enemy I swear. After entering the city I found a surprise; it was LUPA. After a brief catching up and Lupa re-gifting me money I had sent her, we entered the Tavern and ordered drinks. I suppose my entrance wasn't. . .proper, as a tiefling woman openly commented on it, but I could care less about the opinions of some random pureblood. I would be still at Earthspurr if I let such things bother me, Lupa however was not having any of it and went and conversed with the woman. Lupa is much the same, still mongering cocks and still ever watchful. Sitting at the table were some of the people I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot of. There was the plague doctor-esk Rickus Mortyus, the sickly but poetic Harric, and the opinionated teifling girl named Mariana. Jokingly, and very awkwardly I brought up her teifling heritage and its relation to the church, it obviously disturbed her in some way, but the pureblood revealed nothing of her Dynasty and its relation to fiendish forces. As we continued talking we learned that Harric was assailed and kidnapped by wererats, their wife was also taken. While important, it's a matter for another day. Soon it became clear that we all either knew Pridwen or had been summoned by him, each for various reasons. After some more conversation and Mariana proving a very mean-spirited pureblood, we left to attend to business with Pridwen. When we arrived we spoke with Pridwen. I was, naturally curious about where my sister was, and Pridwen revealed some information. It seems that they had been hangingout and his house. Oh he'll be hanging alright he if even thinks about hurting a hair of Marie's head. It was here that Pridwen slowly began to reveal what we were here for. Disease was spreading among the lower district, and he wanted us to conduct some research into it. It was also here that he revealed that he had been SPYING on us. I thought Pridwen could prove a useful pureblood ally, but it seems that I will have to use his connections to aid in my battle against the Night creatures and whatever foul entity could be behind the disease., and leave as soon as I can. Spying purebloods are not to be trusted, and I wish to operate without having my actions held above my hands. Plus. . .him and Marie are. . .just friends, close friends. Not as close as I am with her of course. When Marie eventually showed up I was overjoyed, Lupa however seemed strange. She kept commenting on Marie's back and if it had wounds and holes. . .perhaps loops has developed a fear of holes over the years. Either way, after Pridwen, began explaining himself the city was attacked by 3 different types of Night Creature. After a quick, but tough battle, we dispatched the voes. From what I saw we could have taken on a whole army, as everyone went all out. I had been warned about using my alchemic properties when in populated zones. Their bodies disappeared after they were slain, not leaving much for me to recover, but hopefully, we can recover something for Pridween to analyze. Now only two questions remain in my head. Who was watching me and Loops, and who is sending out these dangerous creatures of the night that are becoming more bold day by day/

Continue reading...

  1. The Trip to Sublidras
    5th day after leaving Earthspur
  2. Hunter in The City
    october 17th 1863
  3. Ratation Experimentation
    October 18th, 1863