Finally, felt like we were in that cavern for a while, not gonna lie. But we saved what children we could, accidentally slew some Kua'Toa (not proud of that in hindsight). AND, WE KILLED A GOD...kinda. But I don't know, a part of me thinks that it was... too easy, like the stories I used to hear from old Yung Cletus never went down like this. There was always some kinda backlash, something more, a detail the heroes missed that led to their demise. On another topic, we lost Hegel, pretty sure he got sucked up into that bottle he was carryin' around, but nobody knows where it rolled off to. Really not sure how to process that one...
Anywho, I'm sure we'll find some other nefarious plot brewin', more than likely by Azzalog, or that bastard Burnsy. But for tonight, we act like true dragons, with no remorse for the food on the table, and sleep like we won't wake up for 100 years. Until my next entry, keep on keepin' on.
-Balsar Drako