Back to the grind, and another day in the fray... so, sitting on a ship in a bottle (not a metaphor) is weird, even more so when the seagulls in the air ain't movin. I don't trust this Teltas guy, pretty sure he's somes sorts of Eldritch... thingy, and I ain't givin him that try-dent til I trust him more. On a different note, I gotta be honest, I think if we don't come together, and work as a team proper, that we'll see the next sunrise. And I'd really like to see my brother, and my home again. Also, I still got a debt to repay to Burnsy, slippery lil' bastard (pardon my language). So come time we wake up, Im really gonna bear down on the team, but still givin 'em each the respect they've earned and deserve. Hope this all goes well, so I can keep on writin. Til next time, keep on keepin' on.
-Balasar Drako