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Mon 11th Nov 2019 07:32

Helping a friend

by Graves Walker

Dear Lily,
Lots of things have happened since I last wrote. Firstly shanny and I got into a fight. She didn't like the fact that I was helping pandy on such a dangerous ordeal. She even stormed out of the house. Then I went on the adventure pandy was leading. It was me, pandy of course, balthasar,the goose from last time, Aldrich, and Hal. We went to the serpents coast and so much has happened. One of the beacons were out, a naga and a dragon were missing, and more. We went to the north Western island and found the tomb of a fifth dragon which was surprising. We then found a strange crystal that exploded hurting Hal and Aldrich. We found some dead animals with the crystal inside of them. Aldrich then chucked some at a giant fly trap. We found the fourth dragons tomb and then had to fight these husks that were infected with the crystal along with these golems that breathed fire. We managed to defeat them and +new page+ fix one (I had caused the other golem to rust to nothing.) This woke up the dragon who then tunneled her way out though she accidentally destroyed the fifth dragons tomb. That's when I decided to take a closer look at Hal and Aldrich'es injuries from the crystals. The things had attached to various important organs. After determining most magic wouldn't work. I went and carefully removed them. That is when we got chased by old one eye through some tall grass where me pandy and either Hal or Aldrich though possibly both all got crystals in us. After barely getting away I performed more surgery and even some on myself to remove them. after that we slept before going downstairs in the hopes of finding the naga we were supposed to. We did but she had been infected with the crystals. We then fought against her and some more husks waiting for Brock (the dragon we had only recently woken up) to save us. And save us she did. +New page+ we then went back to the lizard man city and divided up to awaken teotequa and steal khaine's army which we successfully did. We then fought khaine and we're able to hold our own long enough for me and Pandoura to try and banish him. I didn't banish him but I successfully banished a crystal we had gotten in him. I dropped the spell which went back in him. That's when striith showed up. Pandy and everyone else is lied to the god to save me and sick him on khaine. Then we went home.