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Sat 5th Oct 2019 09:28

Serpents coast

by Graves Walker

Hey Lily it me again. Sorry I haven't been able to write as much as I did previously. Two weeks ago was rather boring I just trained with father Michael. But this last one was exciting and dangerous. We went out to explore beyond some magical fog. We landed to find a lost crew of dwarves and had a pair named Dan and Dane with us. We came across these great lizards but they ignored us. We found some tracks and followed them. We lost Dan to some huge four headed plant monster. Then we came across this strange tablet thing and were given a warning. We met the locals who were lizard folk. We also found the few dwarves. We went out to find out how to fix what the dwarves broke. We also learned about a huge beast known as old one eye. The temple we went to was rather ... puzzling hehe but also dangerous. These angel statues attacked us but only if we blinked or something. We almost lost a sea elf named shabell I think to them. But we defeated them. We had to leave the skeleton guardians alone though (I did pray for forgiveness to meshi). We fought in the arena as a farewell. I fought this huge beast but managed to weather it's first attack. We had to use one of the lizard's boats as old one eye had sunken our boat.
Sincerely Graves
PS I hope orchid is doing fine I wonder if she's finally be proposed to?