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Sat 18th Mar 2023 01:38

We Know the Riddle

by Pillar of Flame Harool Ramsey

Gazre Azam, Djinni of reknown, freed by the Dragon Scales. A few thousand years old. 20 years on Toril.

  • Official Lore: In 1375 DR, Iphegor Nath was High Flamelord of the order and resided in the Flaming Brazier. The High Flamelord employed several fire genasi warlocks to defend his temple and, on occasion, perform special missions in the name of Kossuth. It was believed that Nath brokered a deal between the genasi and the primal fire elemental known as Sthes'kthes. In return for serving the elemental and his master Kossuth, the genasi were granted warlock powers. The four warlocks—Arthek, Duron, Canthel, and Dzivir—were known for their fire-related invocations and equally fiery tempers.

  • A huge fire elemental and 4 Fire Genasi Warlocks served with the HIGH Flame Lord, Iffagor Nathe. They came together and spawned Imix, the Prince of Evil Fire Creatures, the Prince of Evil Fire. Purpose was unclear but seemed like a necessary Evil for whatever they were facing.
    When Imix was formed, these 5 creatures left behind their essence in 5 items: Necklace, a Vest, Shoes, Bracers, and a Headband.
    Attuned to the item, those "worthy" can access the Plane of Fire! Worthy being actual power and/or Favor from Kossuth.
    2 Temples of Kossuth in Thay:
    Flaming Brazier of Eltabbar- Supreme Temple in all Toril. Led by Sindri Cinderforge currently. Female Dwarf. 119 yrs old. Taking this church down a more neutral path.
    Bezantur: 1000 Evil temples with a temple of Kossuth
    Gazre Azam grants the Dragon Scales with the knowledge of the Riddle of Fire. Declares our destiny: We are needed. People of future importance. We must seek the Riddle. Other wishes were seen as things we could potentially handle without the Wish.
    -Harool is thankful for the destiny foretold by Gazre and for him choosing Riddle of Fire as our most necessary wish in the group. Harool ponders how lucky for Jarris to investigate such a mission to hunt down Zikran which brought the Dragon Scales this wish.
    Mind Meld:
    1) We saw a hooded figure through our MIND MELD between the Dragon Scales and Gazre Azam. I recognized this as Ralph's Friend!! He sent us to the other side of the world!
    2) Mr. Ramsey detected that we were scrying. He had a lot of paranoia. He may have had magical protection like "ring of non-detection."
    Commune with Kossuth:(3 questions)
    1) Are the prophecies of Alaundo valuable to learning more about Iffagore Nathe? "No"
    2) Is my father doing well? "NO"
    3) Should we fight Red Wizards to obtain the Riddle of Fire? "NO"
    We part ways with "Lucernas." Fire Elemental warrior who fought Zikran with us. He tells us, "Look me up, if you are ever in the City of Brass." He has a distinctive Hawk face for an Elemental.

    14th Night we Return to Candlekeep: We bring back scrolls, Zikrans body, and 4 feet of crystal material.
    Most of Candlekeep is off in judgment over recent events that may have fulfilled a prophecy.
    The queen of earth and king of sky shall meet,
    greeting each other in a rejoicing chorus that will
    shake the bones of the world. From this celebration
    the old will wake and the dead will walk.
    Ledger with Candlekeep: +3000gp scrolls, +3000 gp Crystal=> 4950gp. We're positive baby! Some crystal material will be kept by Marro.
    We quickly meet with the Candlekeep Squad: Janussi (Keeper of the Tome and Queen of Candlekeep, young with red hair!), Bookwyrm (Dragonborn, 2nd in Command), Zakari (hipponoid), Hayden Wolfson (seems likable, competant, but humble, similar to Jarris), Keelie, and 3 others.
    -Sindri Cinderforge, High-Priestest of Kossuth, is going to be invited to Candlekeep. She is part of a correspondence for magic items, but also the questioning of Zikran's body.
    -Tilda Nystrum sends regards: Marro's sponsor
    -Cormyr has sponsored Marro and Jarris's company to Stryxhaven; Marro gets an Amulet of the Planes for Stryxhaven. Apparently, the Seer, requested us get access to Stryxhaven over 7 months ago...

    Continue reading...

    1. Iron Codex prelude
      20th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
    2. Iron Codex delivered!
      25th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
    3. The Joy of EDS begins
      26th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
    4. Candlekeep arrival
      27th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
    5. Egg Mission Begins
      10th of Uktar
    6. Egg Delivered/Off to see a wizard.
      12th of uKTAR
    7. We Know the Riddle