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25th of Leaffall, 1500 DR

Iron Codex delivered!

by Pillar of Flame Harool Ramsey

Morrow is asleep from drinking the lightly enchanted by enchantment magic water.
Jarris tends to Morrow. We search the room and see if Morrow will recover soon.
Magma: Iron Codex info:
The Iron Codex was created by an ancient demon
whose name has been lost to time. He placed part of his
spirit within the book and sent it to the mortal plane,
hoping someone would read it and thereby free him on
this plane to cause chaos. His plan nearly worked.
An evil wizard named Ardos found the book, and
worked spells upon it, hoping to summon the demon
and then control the infernal beast in order to conquer
a neighboring kingdom. His plan was foiled by a band
of heroes who then took the book far from the
kingdom, promising to create a permanent prison
for its evil.
Spook got a large brass birdcage. 2' X 1' X 1' in the large spider room. Big 3" secret drawer in the bottom of the cage containing parchment. Note that says: Dispel Good and Evil with a smiley face. Note: "Place Iron Codex here".
Jarris finds evidence that this cage is from Candlekeep.
25 gp of incense. Divination: Kossuth: How do we remedy Morrow from whatever is giving him his sleeping problem?
Answer: Low crackly voice. In the smoke as it says the "one Marro has" an image of a vial appears. As it mentions what it bestowed upon you, in your head Harool the knowledge of the Dispel Evil & Good spell comes to mind. You also think of a remove curse and some harder, natural remedy.
I very easily give Morrow some potion, lesser restoration. He slept for an hour and a half.
Marro : The codex will call to its infernal masters if removed from the Temple altar.
The heroes depicted on the first room's mural devised
this temple as a means to protect the Codex and prevent
any evil forces from acquiring it. They created an altar
of immense power to imprison the book. The magic of
this altar would prevent the book from summoning its
master's minions, and a temple was constructed around
the altar so no mortal servants of the demon could
retrieve the Iron Codex. The heroes then buried the
temple beneath a fallen mountain, hoping it would
remain buried and forgotten by humanity, and the
Codex would be permanently lost.
I find a secret door in the center of the Scriptorium.
Morrow identifies the birdcage. It has a pocket dimension that holds and sends items to candlekeep.
Jarris casts knock twice on the secret door of the Scriptorium. Used two Knock Spells to open hidden passage door. Heat radiates from the Iron Codex. Alter with small human boy is by the Iron Codex on the end of the room. It is probably summoning help from the bad place. Marro uses magic to put the Iron Codex inside the birdcage and we exit the vault of the Band of Heroes.
Gifts and letters sent through the bottom of the Birdcage.
1 of 250 copies. Ornate book of Mordenkainen's! Signed copy. The "Joy of Extradimensional Spaces." Dearest Fistandia, Shamblin speaks wonders of you. I hope you find the gift he made comforting. ~Mordenkainen
Vistandia: Worked directly to Mystra.
Shamblin: Pirate Sorcerer, 100 years ago, amassed a lot of power, befriended demi-gods, and created pocket dimensions.
Notes in Margin. Possibly a cypher in the book. Library card in back of book, loaned out for 1 year. 25th of Marpenoth of 1501 it is due. . *However, It may be reobtained by its original owner at anytime.* Authorized By Ravenjere v. Briarroot.

_Notation on Library Card_
Folded note inside the book, inserted by the library card. On the same Ravenjyre Watermarked paper.

"We hope it doesn't take you a year to visit. It is always good to find old friends. If you ever feel lost, I always find solace in a book. :) Fistandia was gifted this from a friend, and she then donated her collections to Candlekeep while she has been away. Unless she returns, we may be able to make arrangements to renew your use of it, if you find need to continue using it. Safe travels & rest well.

I am happy of your victory and look forward to hearing all about your travels. Keeley Briarroot
Magma, finds the secret word to unlock the teleportation spell on the book. We walk through the portal to a large manor.
Claudia Bloodgood, Dragon Scales Professor for Jarris & Marro, has been in communications with Candlekeep.
We arrive at Fistandia's. A miasma surrounds her Mansion. Magma rushes through and sits on the couch. We are in an extra-dimensional space.

Continue reading...

  1. Iron Codex prelude
    20th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
  2. Iron Codex delivered!
    25th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
  3. The Joy of EDS begins
    26th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
  4. Candlekeep arrival
    27th of Leaffall, 1500 DR
  5. Egg Mission Begins
    10th of Uktar
  6. Egg Delivered/Off to see a wizard.
    12th of uKTAR
  7. We Know the Riddle